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Converting the Primary 90-Sacred-Year Age of Enos to 65-Tun-Years explains the third quarter division of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 started by Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age. Enos skips over Solar-Side Seth Primary 105-Year Age to add 65-Tun-Years in the Primary Age Category. Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age is the second Solar-Side time split that divides Enos and Mahalaleel Primary Ages. Mahalaleel completes Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 by adding the last Primary Age 65-Tun-Year quarter to the lineage of Antediluvian Patriarchs.
Converting the Primary 90 Sacred-Year Age of Enos to 65 Tun-Years

Genesis 5:9
"And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan:"

Converting Primary Age Category units from Adam’s given 360 day-Tun-years into Adam’s converted Primary 180-Tzolken-sacred-year Age begins the quintessential analytical process for resolving both Lunar/Solar and Solar-Sides of the Antediluvian Calendar ladder. Enos is a Lunar/Solar character with his Primary Age given as Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age. Enos’ Primary Age must be converted to 360 day-Tun-years to satisfy third quarter requirements of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.

Lunar/Solar Adam and Enos Primary Ages can be cleverly expressed with cross-multiply and divide equations. Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age (Genesis 5:3) in the left side numerator of equation 1 cross-multiplies by the right side denominator Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle 1 to find Adam’s Primary 46,800-day Age. Divide Adam’s Primary 46,800-day Age by the left side denominator Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 to find the right side numerator Adam Primary 180-Tzolken-sacred-year Age

The same conversion technique can be used for the given Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age (Genesis 5:9). Enos’ Primary 23,400-day Age is one-quarter of both cogent time cycles. Again, dividing by right side denominator Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 shows converted Enos Primary 65-Tun-Year Age.

Lunar/Solar Primary Age Category flow from Adam to Enos changes their given Lunar/Solar units from Adam’s given 360 day-Tun-years to Enos’ given 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. Solar-Side Primary Age Category flow undergoes a similar transformation process. Solar-Side Seth intervenes slightly adapted for Jewish and Mayan & Egyptian versions.

self-multiplication squares time
in computing Tun 360-days per year times Tun 360-years per cycle. The unity Tun 360 Days & Years single term achieves enhanced meaning through cross multiplication. Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age in equation 1 multiplies by Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle 1 to produce a value divisible by Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Adam Primary 180-Tzolken-sacred-year Age is the whole number integer result. Solar-Side Seth self-multiplies the 364 Ethiopic Day & Year single term with the same unity cycle pretense in equation 4. Jewish Seth Primary 147-Tzolken-sacred-year Age is the comparative whole number integer result necessary to continue the Solar-Side chain calculation to Cainan.

Equations 88 - 91

Lunar/Solar Adam conversion using 360 Day & Year single term
88.         Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age
     Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1         

  =    Adam Primary 180-Tzolken-sacred-year Age
            Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle 1

Lunar/Solar Enos conversion using 360 Day & Year single term
89. Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age
          Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle 1

  =   Enos Primary 65-Tun-Year Age
    Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1

Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 separates first into Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age. Converted Enos Primary 65-Tun-Year Age next subdivides the right half of Figure 42 to make the third quarter. Converted Enos Primary 65-Tun-year Age amounts 23,400-days that copy the given Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age (Eqn 3). Equivalent Lunar/Solar quarterly divisions are summarized in equation 4. Definitions for 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years and Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 fit the Bible Primary Age flow in the popular style of ancient l/s calendars. Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-year Age embodies Mayan Calendar practices regarding sacred Tzolken 260 Day & Year methodology.

Converted Enos Primary 65 Tun-year Age is third quarter of Lunar/Solar 260 Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1
90. Converted Enos Primary 65 Tun-year Age
x 360 day-Tun-year
= 23,400-days in Converted Enos Primary 65 Tun-year Age

Enos Primary 90 Tzolken-sacred-year Age with 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years
91. Enos Primary 90 Tzolken-sacred-year Age
= 1/4 of Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle 1 with 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years
= Converted Enos Primary 65 Tun-Year Age with 360 day-Tun-years
= 1/4 of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 with 360 day-Tun-years
= 23,400-days

Converted Primary 65 Tun-Year Age of Enos & Primary 65 Tun-Year Age of Mahalaleel Figure 56

Enos is Primary Age third quarter of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1
Enos is also Primary Age third quarter of 360 year-Tun-cycle 1 that equals 360 Tzolken-Sacred-Years

Mahalaleel provides Primary Age fourth quarter of Lunar/Solar 260-Year-Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1
and Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle 1

Adam = active green left half 130 Tun-Years in Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1
Adam = 180 Tzolken-sacred-years of 360 Tzolken-sacred-years
or 360 year-Tun-cycle of 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years

Enos = active green third quarter 65 Tun-Years of Lunar/Solar 260 Year-Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1
Or: Enos = 90 Tzolken-sacred-years of 360 Tzolken-sacred-years or 360 year-Tun-cycle

Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 5 completes in the Secondary Age Category
to generate Enos Primary 90 Tzolken-sacred-year Age
Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 6 follows without adding more to the Primary Age Category

Gray fourth quarter reserves for Mahalaleel Primary 65 Tun-Year Age
Mahalaleel 400-Year Baktun Cycle 9 in the Secondary Age Category results
an equivalent Mahalaleel Primary 90 Tzolken-sacred-year Age in 360 year-Tun-cycle 1

Converted Primary 65 Tun-Year Age of Enos & Primary 65 Tun-Year Age of Mahalaleel Figure 56

Enos Primary 90 Tzolken-Year Age = 1/4 of 360-Tun-year-cycle
Enos Primary 65 Year Age = 1/4 of 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle

Adam to Enos Mayan & Egyptian version using 52-Year Calendar Rounds with 365 day-solar-years

Mayan & Egyptian Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken Sacred Cycle 1 Venus Round Flow 5 x 52-Y CR Figures 51 - 53 #ME_LS_260Y_TSC1_VRF
     M & E Adam VR 1 - VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 51 #ME_Adam_VR1-VR2
     M & E Adam VR 1 +VR 2 + Active Enos 1/2 VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 52 #ME_Adam_VR1-2+Half_Enos_VR5
     M & E Enos 1/2 VR 5 + VR 6 1600 - 2400 l/s-years Figure 53 #ME_Enos_Half_VR5+VR6

Adam to Enos Jewish version using 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles with 364 day-Ethiopic-years

Jewish Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken Sacred Cycle 1 Venus Round Flow 5 x 50-Y JC Figures 54 - 56 #Jew_LS_260Y_TSC1_VRF
     Jewish Adam VR 1 - VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 54 #Jew_Adam_VR1-VR2
     Jewish Adam VR 1 + VR 2 + Active Enos ~ 1/2 VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 55 #Jew_Adam_VR1+VR2+Half_Enos_VR5
     Jewish Enos ~ 1/2 VR 5 + VR 6 1600-2400 l/s-years Figure 56 #Jew_Enos_VR5+VR6

Jewish Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken Sacred Cycle 1 Venus Round Flow 5 x 50-Y JC Figures 56 - 58 #Jew_LS_260Y_TSC1_VRF
     Jewish Adam VR 1 - VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 56 #Jew_Adam_VR1-VR2
Jewish Adam VR 1 + VR 2 + Active Enos ~ 1/2 VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 57 #Jew_Adam_VR1+VR2+Half_Enos_VR5
     Jewish Enos ~ 1/2 VR 5 + VR 6 1600-2400 l/s-years Figure 58 #Jew_Enos_VR5+VR6

M & E Adam S 104-Y VR 1 - S 104-Y VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 57
Adam Midpoint Age 400 l/s-years

Venus Round Flow Active Adam S 104-Y VR 1
M & E Adam S 104-Y VR 1 - S 104-Y VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 57

M & E Adam S 104-Y VR 1 + S 104-Y VR 2 + Active Enos 1/2 S 104-Y VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 58

Venus Round Flow Adam Four 52-Y CR
M & E Adam S 104-Y VR 1 + S 104-Y VR 2 + Active Enos 1/2 S 104-Y VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 58

M & E Enos 1/2 S 104-Y VR 5 + S 104-Y VR 6 1600 - 2400 l/s-years Figure 59
Enos Midpoint Age 2000 l/s-years

Venus Round Flow Active Enos 1/2 S 104-Y VR 5 1600 - 2000 l/s-years
M & E Enos 1/2 S 104-Y VR 5 + S 104-Y VR 6 1600 - 2400 l/s-years Figure 59

Jewish Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken Sacred Cycle 1 Venus Round Flow 5 x 50-Y JC Figures 54 - 56 #Jew_LS_260Y_TSC1_VRF
     Jewish Adam VR 1 - VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 54 #Jew_Adam_VR1-VR2
Jewish Adam VR 1 + VR 2 + Active Enos ~ 1/2 VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 55 #Jew_Adam_VR1+VR2+Half_Enos_VR5
     Jewish Enos ~ 1/2 VR 5 + VR 6 1600-2400 l/s-years Figure 56 #Jew_Enos_VR5+VR6

Jewish Adam S 105-Y VR 1 - S 105-Y VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 60
Adam Midpoint Age 400 l/s-years

Venus Round Flow Active Adam S 105-Y VR 1 0 - 400 l/s-years
Jewish Adam S 105-Y VR 1 - S 105-Y VR 2 0 - 800 l/s-years Figure 60

Jewish Adam S 105-Y VR 1 + S 105-Y VR 2 + Active Enos ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 61

Jewish Adam S 105-Y VR 1 + S 105-Y VR 2 + Active Enos ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 5 1600 - 1800 l/s-years Figure 61

Jewish Enos ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 5 + S 105-Y VR 6 1600-2400 l/s-years Figure 62
Enos Midpoint Age 2000 l/s-years

Venus Round Flow Active Enos ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 5 1600 - 2000 l/s-years
Jewish Enos ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 5 + S 105-Y VR 6 1600-2400 l/s-years Figure 62

Enos to Mahalaleel Mayan & Egyptian version using 52-Year Calendar Rounds with 365 day-solar-years, plus Convergent Point 5000 l/s-years
Mayan & Egyptian Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken Sacred Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 52-Y CR Figures 100 - 105 #ME_LS_260Y_TSC2_VRF

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Converting_Primary_90-Sacred-Year_Age_of_Enos_to_65-Tun-Years explains the third quarter division of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 started by the Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age. Enos skips over Solar-Side Seth Primary 105-Year Age to add 65-Tun-years to the Primary Age Category. Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age is the second Solar-Side time split that divides Enos and Mahalaleel Primary Ages. Mahalaleel completes Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken -Sacred-Cycle 1 by adding the last 65-Tun-year quarter to the lineage of Antediluvian Patriarchs. Cart Item CP90SYAE65TY

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Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible? seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Ages_of_Adam ministry. Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years. Ages_of_Adam is a free read at timeemits.

tags Tzolken, sacred, Genesis, Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Tun, solar-side, lunar, leap day

Clark Nelson is webmaster for, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Revised Copyright 2022 Clark Nelson and  All Rights Reserved.