
Second Pass Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow

Mayan & Egyptian Solar-Side 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 104-Year Venus Rounds

Second Pass Seth to Cainan Mayan & Egyptian version using 104-Year Venus Rounds with 365 day-solar-years
Mayan & Egyptian Solar-Side 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 104-Y VR Figures 67 - 69
M & E Seth S 104-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 67
M & E Seth 2 x S 104-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 2400 l/s-years Figure 68
M & E Seth 2 x S 104-Y VR 3 + VR 4 + Cainan S 104-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 69

Jewish Solar-Side 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 105-Year Venus Rounds

Second Pass Seth to Cainan Jewish version using 105-Year Venus Rounds with 364 day-Ethiopic-years
Jewish Solar-Side 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 105-Y VR Figures 70 - 72
Jewish Seth S 105-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 70
Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 71
Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 + Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 72

M & E Seth S 104-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 67

M & E Seth S 104-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 67

M & E Seth 2 x S 104-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 2400 l/s-years Figure 68

M & E Seth 2 x S 104-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 2400 l/s-years Figure 68

M & E Seth 2 x S 104-Y VR 3 + VR 4 + Cainan S 104-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 69

M & E Seth 2 x S 104-Y VR 3 + VR 4 + Cainan S 104-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 69

Jewish Solar-Side 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 105-Year Venus Rounds Figures 70 - 72

Think about doubling Seth's 210 Ethiopic-years when Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 begins. Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7 reflects two Cainan Primary 70 Tzolken-sacred-year Ages or his equivalent 50 Ethiopic-Year Ages as substitute for twice Seth's 210 Ethiopic-Years of Solar-Side time split (Figures 73, 79). Two Cainan 70 Tzolken-sacred-year sections result in cascaded time by starting Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred Cycle 2. On the second pass, Seth's 210 Ethiopic-years of Solar-Side time split double in order to imitate 420 Ethiopic-years. Cainan Primary 70 Tzolken-sacred-year Age first acquires during Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7.

Second Pass Seth to Cainan Jewish version using 105-Year Venus Rounds with 364 day-Ethiopic-years
Jewish Solar-Side 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow 5 x 105-Y VR Figures 70 - 72
Jewish Seth S 105-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 70
Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 71
Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 + Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 72

Jewish Seth S 105-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 70

Jewish Seth S 105-Y VR 3 - VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 70

Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 71

Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 800 - 1600 l/s-years Figure 71

Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 + VR 4 + Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 72

Jewish Seth 2 x S 105-Y VR 3 - VR 4 + Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 800 - 3200 l/s-years Figure 72

Animation Solar-Side Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 mainly duplicates Solar-Side Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. The important distinction is Solar-Side Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 outputs Cainan ~ 2/2 Venus Round 7 to compose the second half of Cainan 105 Ethiopic-Year Venus Round 7 (Cainan ~ 2/2 VR 7) The lowest pie slce in the circle again represents 50 Ethiopic-Years, which equal the Primary 70 Tzolken-sacred-year Age written for Cainan. Upon completing the second pass, Cainan's first Venus Round 7 also completes.

Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2

Figures 79-80 above show two pie charts. Figure 79 pictures active Cainan S 105-Y VR 7-8 subdivided into four parts. The 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle consists of 364-Tzolken-sacred-years. Four each equivalent red pie slices have 70-Tzolken-sacred-years at their top. The lower red pie sector indicates a calculated Jared Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age Jubilee Cycle (Eqn. 11). Two red slices represent Cainan ~ S 105-VR 7 written as approximated 147-Tzolken-sacred-years. Like Seth converts to Primary 147-Tzolken-sacred-year Age during Venus Round 3, Cainan ~ S 105 VR 7 mirrors with another pair of red pie slice Jubilee Cycles. Cainan ~ S 105 VR 8 again adds 147-Tzolken-sacred-years when Secondary Age Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 8 changes from inactive blue to active red. Once Cainan Midpoint Age level achieves 2800 l/s-years, Jared 400-Year-Baktun Cycle 11 corresponds next with two 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles. Jared ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 11 provides 200 l/s-years beyond Lunar/Solar Mahalaleel's 4800 l/s-year Secondary Age endpoint. The final red active 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Jubilee Cycle installment of Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 best identifies with the equivalent 364-Tzolkend-sacred-year cycle 1. Jared S 70-Tsy JC appropriately completes an alternatively named Solar-Side 364-year-Ethiopic-cycle 1.

Jewish Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Age Venus Round 3 is doubled when Venus Round 4 acquires 210-Ethiopic-years, inclusive of two 5-Ethiopic-year holiday terms. Cainan ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 7 adds 50-Ethiopic-years converted to complete Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Converted Seth Primary 147-Tzolken-sacred-years likewise doubles to achieve 294-Tzolken-sacred-years (Eqn. 10). Cainan ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 7 adds Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age, thereby completing an equivalent 364-Tzolken-sacred-year cycle 1. The first pass of Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1, expressed in either 364 day-Ethiopic-years or 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years, produces first half Cainan ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 7. The second pass of Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1, produces second half Cainan ~ 2/2 S 105-Y VR 7. Cainan ~ 1/2 S 105-Y VR 7 and Cainan ~ 2/2 S 105-Y VR 7 both feed downstream into Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 (Figures 78 - 80). Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 is a whole 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round. Cainan S 147-Tzolken-sacred-year Venus Round 7 divides into two 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Jubilee Cycle parts through approximation.

Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow is the second pass derived from Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 Venus Round Flow. Seth and Cainan Solar-Side separations mutually count 364 day-Ethiopic-years in their base numbering. Cainan Second Solar-Side time split describes his Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age in Figure 50. Cainan 50-Y JC on top, equals Cainan 70-Tsy JC underneath. Twice Seth’s Primary Age is 294-Tzolken-sacred-years , plus Cainan’s Primary Age totals 364-Tzolken-sacred-years that also equal 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle 1. Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow (Figure 80) denotes Cainan and Jared dual measurements in 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years and 364 day-Ethiopic-years. Exactly the same pattern established above repeats for Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 Venus Round Flow. Substitute the two halves of Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 in place of Seth S 105-Y VR 3. Substitute again two halves of Cainan S 105-Y VR 8 in place of Seth S 105-Y VR 4. Four 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds: Seth S 105-Y VR 3-4 and Cainan S 105-Y VR 7-8 have been accounted for at this point. Cainan 1/2 ~ S 105 VR 7 results from the first pass of Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 Venus Round Flow. Cainan 2/2 ~ S 105 VR 7 is the second result after two passes. Solar-Side Primary Age separations of Seth, Cainan and later, Jared alternate with periods of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 that include Adam, Enos and Mahalaleel.

Cainan is Second Solar-Side Time Split
Solar-Side 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle 1 = 364 Tzolken-sacred-years with 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years

364-Tzolken-sacred-years - 294-Tzolken-sacred-years
= Cainan Primary 70 Tzolken-sacred-year Age

360 year-Tun-cycle, the 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle and the more familiar 365 year-solar-cycle span the range that establishes the number of 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. Three methods of enumerating Cainan’s Primary Age Solar-Side separation time include different cycle lengths.

...Rework Genesis 5:13 - Sec Age in HoH book and continue though Eqn. 18 and until Mesopotamian...