The World Calendar improves the
future to meet the demands of modern society. New Year's
Day on January 1 in the year of our Lord, 2000 A.D., opened the third millennium
of the Christian era. The next 1,000 years began.
Time, the calendar, is our past, present and future. The New
Year hallmark paves the way for future history. To greet
a new decade, or even a century, is monumental.
Important holidays, paychecks, bills, schedules and
appointments are governed by our use of the calendar.
Religious beliefs are rigidly embedded into the calendar as
holidays and festive occasions. This thousand year
calendar transition has happened only once since Christ. World wide,
the calendar specifies business and commerce needs. To
satisfy many diverse cultures, backgrounds and political
structures, our modern calendar must meet demands on a global
scale. A choice to pursue a more appealing time scale is
universal. We will have an ultimate, special opportunity to
rejoice in the Lord.
The World Calendar advances stability and order. The
World Calendar Proposal is dedicated to the new millennium. A
pace we set early in of the millennium provides the
cornerstone for the next 1000 years. A critical point of
history is the chance to fix a determined course.
Since antiquity, humanity has sought to measure time
correctly. Enhancing the nature and use of time is the purpose
of the World Calendar. The World Calendar Proposal supports
the future use of time for improved lifestyles. From the onset
of day and night in
time reckoning and the
have been as one. Calendars are the special field that bond
with the eternal nature of supreme faith and miraculous works.
Divisions between whatever has been in the past, and whatever
will be in the future are intangible aspects of the calendar.
Calendar science and belief set the stage to alter destiny.
Lunar/Solar Calendars
In all the known history of the world there are only about
twenty-five different forms of calendars and branches.
About half of these comprise the class of lunar/solar
calendars. Use of the lunar/solar calendar and
associated theologies were widespread throughout ancient
civilization. Cultures emerging in the Middle East
vicinity embedded specialized holiday celebrations directly
into the calendar. Certain festivals and anniversary
commemorations were ordained to become Holy; to divide, and
set apart those days for worship. The sacred seven-day
week is our foremost example of calendar operation.
The seven-day week was once observed according to the four
prime lunar phases. New moon crescent appearances were
employed to count the days per month. Twelve complete lunar
moon months make up the lunar year. Since time itself can only
be used to count longer periods of time, the span called the
solar year is based on different heavenly motions. Any solar
year is measured by rising positions of the sun on the
horizon, the cardinal points of equinoxes and solstices, and
by the course of stars in the heavens. Solar calendars measure
greater expanses of time as years. The sun is used to measure
our modern solar year that has 365 days, plus a leap day
fraction. Most of the world presently uses the solar year in
the Common Era to mark time. The remaining half of calendars
generally used to reckon world history are solar calendars.
The calendar can best share "His story" by distributing
weekdays and months with precision. Spiritual names have
traditionally been assigned to weekdays and months that
indicate the heavens. For example, Sunday and Monday are named
for the greater and lesser lights (
Genesis 5:16). Historical figures and events
are immortalized. Over 2,000 years ago, an old Roman solar
calendar called the Julian Calendar began the Christian era.
The Gregorian Calendar namesake we currently use credits Pope
Gregory XIII from the year 1582. Our calendar appoints
specific times. We coordinate time by defining months, days,
hours, minutes and finally seconds.
The Julian Calendar
Julius Caesar desired to further expand Roman control in the
Holy Lands and elsewhere. He invades Egypt and proclaims
Cleopatra queen in 47 BCE. The lack of a universally
recognized Roman calendar was problematic to his
efforts. He learns of the Egyptian solar calendar having
365-days and plans its adoption by Rome. His goal is to
extract taxes according to a schedule. Jewish people
were using basically the same version of 19-year lunar/solar
calendar. Some differences were apparent as they sought
to synchronize calendars by sighting new moons. Other
regional cultures likewise had issues with consistency.
Julius Caesar employs the Egyptian astronomer Sosigenes to
help devise a new 12-month calendar starting 45 BCE. His
namesake Julian calendar reform extends July to 31-days and
shortens February from 30-days to 29-days.
The year 46 BCE became an extra-long year by Julian
decree. Ending a series of irregular years, the "last
year of confusion" was extended to 445-days. The
calendar year was reset to start January 1, 45 BCE. The
Roman Republican calendar previously had 10 numbered months
and one extra intercalary month added during February.
Februarius had been a purification month since the former
lunar/solar calendar had only 355-days during regular
years. Julian adjustments further spread some 10-days
more amongst the monthly endings. A leap month every 2
or 3 years changed into leap day to end the year on February
29. The ultimate time reckoning shift had
occurred. A new Julian system had replaced the earlier
lunar/solar (proleptic) system.
After Caesar’s death in 44 BCE, Octavius appoints himself
Augustus, meaning first emperor. Augustus Caesar
(pontifex maximus) continued some Julian policies, including
chastity law and calendar enactment. Augustus felt
slighted and decided to extend our current month August from
30 to 31-days. February gets further shortened to
28-days. Roman officials were imposing solar calendar
reform upon Jewish lunar/solar traditions. Customary
Jewish Passover pilgrimage at this time meant everyone would
return to their home city and be counted for impending Roman
Leap days were the next solar calendar disturbance. The
Decree of Canopus was issued by the pharaoh Ptolemy III, c.
238 BCE. Egypt was instructed to add an extra day every
fourth year. Egypt was using a 12-month, 365-day solar
year in the third century BCE. Ptolemy III efforts to
implement the traditional leap year pattern were largely
unsuccessful. Disagreement amongst Roman leaders lead to
improper leap day additions during at least the first 36-years
following inception. Augustus further spread the Julian
calendar with modification. Emperor Augustus
successfully instituted a reformed Alexandrian calendar by
adopting an Egyptian leap year in 25 BCE. Augustus
skipped three leap days in order to realign the year and
correct future leap day routines by 8 AD. The normal
Julian leap year sequence began in AD 4, the 12th year of the
Augustan reform; and the Roman calendar was finally aligned to
the Julian calendar in 1 BCE. The first full year of
alignment occurred AD 1.
Easter and Christmas
Calendars are central to doctrines prescribed by worship.
Previous calendars reason that all calendars have been in
"past tense." Devotion to mainstay religious convictions is
directly embedded in all calendars. Since years are numbered
by the solar calendar, and worldwide use of the Gregorian
Calendar approaches the year 2,000 A.D., we live in the era
that began with the inspired
Testament. The inception of a
New Testament to the
Holy Bible and a new solar
calendar authority is based upon the life of
Jesus Christ.
Easter and Christmas became the two most important holidays
for religious history recorded by the Julian Calendar. Early
church fathers combined the Julian Calendar with Jewish
Calendar influence. Declaring Sunday, rather than Saturday, as
the Christian Sabbath Day followed the Roman definition of
changing the days at midnight.
Easter is the triumphal anniversary festival over darkness for
the resurrection of
Eaostre was originally a pagan festival, derived from natural
Earth motion. The spring equinox near March 21, marks the
beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. On the
equinox, the hours of daylight are equal to the interval from
sunset to sunrise, or night. Eastre was the Anglo-Saxon
goddess for the spring equinox. The first Council of Nicaea
fixed the date of Easter according to the proclamation of "the
first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring
equinox." Following Emperor Constantine's conversion to
Christianity, the Council of Nicaea initiated the important
celebration known to Christians in 325 A.D. Constantine also
supported a Sunday Christian Sabbath.
The Christmas season honors the Nativity, and the hope of
rebirth in eternal life that comes through the birth of
Christ. In the fourth quarter of the year, the ancient
Egyptians once held a festival called the "Nativity of the
Sun's Walking Stick." The failing daylight of the sun
suggested the need of a walking stick, or staff, to aid the
sun during the last part of transit. Representing the sun -
god, the Pharaoh walked around temple walls using a staff.
Significance of the walking staff is visible when the rod of
God is displayed before
the Egyptian Pharaoh (
7:10 - 12). Aaron casts the staff given to Moses down
before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.
Pharaoh called the magicians of Egypt to cast down their rods.
The magicians' rods became serpents, but Aaron's rod swallowed
up their rods. Solar worship and Egyptian symbolism behind the
staff were uniquely related.
Increasing daylight following the winter solstice around
December 22, once marked the Roman celebration of Saturnalia.
Saturnalia, during December 17 - 24, was devoted to the
planetary god Saturn. About 273 A.D., the Roman Emperor
Auerlian instituted the "birthday of the unconquered Sun"
festival. The seven day week ends with Saturday, reinforcing
the idea of Saturnalia ending the year. Pagan ceremonies were
changed to Christian in 354 A.D. and the birthday of
Christ was declared to be
December 25.
The Gregorian Calendar
The Crusades, European Monarchies and evolving Catholicism
shared the Julian calendar until more Easter corrections
became necessary. Orthodoxy continued using the Julian
calendar with minor variations. In 1582, the Julian
calendar was modified by Pope Gregory XIII. Calendar
reckoning excluded ten days to align the vernal equinox with
Easter celebration. October 4, 1582 was followed the
next day by October 15, 1582. Trends during medieval era
Protestantism were fueled by the Gregorian calendar
modification. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, the
inquisition and the turmoil in Europe caused by Protestantism
all were manifestations of the
Holy Spirit pouring out to past and
future. Once again, the heavens respond to calendar
changes. Calendar amendments again punctured the outer
insulation offered by the solar calendar and the eternal realm
responded. Further proclaimed in the Gregorian calendar
was a leap day alteration. The previous Julian calendar
included a leap day addition every four years. The
vernal spring, celestial equinox was slipping into
summer. The leap day addition modified the end of
February. Gregorian calendar adjustments stipulated that
leap day additions would be omitted in those centurial years
not evenly divisible by 400-years. The year 1600
included a normal leap day. The years 1700, 1800 and
1900 skipped leap day inclusion to further correct the gradual
drift of the equinox date into summer. Our revised
Gregorian calendar incorporated a provision to add leap day in
the year 2000.
Superimposing the Gregorian calendar over past calendars,
striking contrasts can be drawn. Day and night, count as
one day from the beginning until now. Judaism observes
the Sabbath on Saturday and Christians recognize a Sunday
Sabbath. Five days remain in the week for work, business
and commerce. Mesoamerican calendars include many
cultural variations of the representative
260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year. We evenly disperse 260-days
separately in the modern calendar year. Five business
days multiply in 52-weeks for 260-days. Our secular
calendar applies 260-days for modern government and commercial
matters, excluding holidays. Saturday and Sunday of each
week multiply for 104-days in 52-weeks. Compared to the
364-day-Ethiopic-calendar, 104-days nearly equal the remaining
105-days left every year. Twelve months averaged at
30-days each still provide 360-days. Although a separate
360-day length of year is not present in the Gregorian solar
calendar, science and technology perpetuate the 360-degree
circle. Our last week of the year, between Christmas and
New Years is a reserved holiday week. Countless
anniversaries recognize every conceivable subject in
substitution for ancient numerical matching themes.
Pharaonic Egypt inserted leap days every four years. We
continue this trait in the Gregorian calendar. The
Antediluvian Calendar of
incorporates 400-year-l/s-cycles I synonymously refer to as
Mayan 400-year Baktun cycles. Our modern Gregorian
version follows a 400-year pattern that omits three of four
leap days during centurial years. Time itself has not
changed, only the methods of calendar layers are different.
Pope Gregory's namesake calendar reform recognized that a
solar calendar cycle synchronized once again after completing
400-years. Easter calculations combined religious observation
with scientific reasoning to establish a better way of
calendar time keeping. A 400-year repeating solar period was
understood long ago by ancient people. Mesoamerican Calendars
utilized a 400-year-Baktun-cycles in a complex and sacred form
of a lunar/solar calendar. Ancient Egyptians were numerically
matching days and years according to the stars well before
Moses led the Exodus of the
doubles a 400-year count to measure the
800 year Generation Cycle
seen for Adam, after he had begotten his son, Seth (
Genesis 5:4). The 400 year
calendar cycle is the pinnacle of calendar measurement for all
time that has ever been, or will ever be. From the earliest
Bible times, to the advent
of the Christian era and the future, religious use of the
calendar prevails.
The present Gregorian version of the calendar is adjusted by
the leap day insertion February 29 in the traditional four
year pattern. Further refinement is obtained by omitting leap
days in those centennial years not evenly divisible by 400.
Following the Gregorian reform of 1582, the year 1600 repeated
leap day as usual. In the years 1700, 1800, and 1900, leap
days were dropped. The year 2000 will contain the first
centennial leap day since 1600. While the Gregorian Calendar
is very accurate astronomically speaking, in common practice
it becomes awkward and confusing. Present calendar application
imposes traits which inhibit growth and hamper prosperity. The
seven day week, completing 52 even rounds, leaves one and one
quarter day at the end of each year. Leap day accounts for the
fractional part. Yet, the final day causes a shifting year.
The fresh year must be reckoned with on a continuing basis.
Planning is far more difficult when the first and last days of
the month fall randomly on the days of week. We have 29
different kinds of months, with 24, 25, 26, or 27 weekdays,
and four, or five Sundays. Unsymmetrical quarter and half year
periods make statistics difficult to interpret. The World
Calendar adjusts the present Gregorian Calendar to meet the
needs of our 21 st Century.
Gregorian Calendar
• Unequal quarters and half years.
• Mixed fixed and floating holidays.
• Mismatch of weekday names and dates during
consecutive years.
• Leap day falling on February 29 th during
Leap Years.
• Months occur in haphazard order with 28,
30, or 31 days during an ordinary year.
• Business, government, and financial
statistics are cumbersome.
The Gregorian Calendar system is inefficient. With minor
revisions, the present calendar easily adapts to avoid its
common drawbacks. The primary advantage of the World Calendar
is the first day and date combination through consecutive
years. Calendar improvement discussion has covered 150 years.
The most popular ideas are woven into the World Calendar
The World Calendar modified the 364 calendar year to became
popular about 1930. World Calendar discussion was championed
alongside suffrage movements and prohibition efforts. Other
calendars were suggested. The Eastman and Barlow
calendars consisted of 13-months of 28-days each, although
each lacked substantial favor over the World Calendar. Jewish
leaders steadfastly opposed any calendar reforms, citing
anti-Semitism. Past World Calendar dialogue is attributed with
encouraging Monday Federal holiday rules.
Worldsday and World's Leap
The World Calendar Proposal establishes the two most critical
holidays to the World Calendar. Worldsday on December 31, and
World's Leap Day on June 31 yield new significance to yearly
beginnings, endings, and the mid-points of leap years.
Worldsday and World's Leap Day are spaced exactly six months
apart with the solar year application of the World Calendar.
Worldsday is celebrated on New Year's Eve every year. Leap day
is moved from February 29 every four year to the end of June.
The World's Leap Day insertion extends June from 30 days to 31
days every fourth year. Adding World's Leap Day at the
mid-point of leap years finishes the second quarter with 91
days every fourth year. Half years, quarters, and monthly
endings are evenly balanced. Annual holidays and other special
events are accentuated with identical years. Holding special
importance, these two new holidays lend themselves to
religious or business preference.
The original World Calendar Association accommodated differing
worship days. Given that 52 even weeks account for 364 days,
Worldsday and World's Leap Day remain to be assigned weekday
names. One option was the Christian preference of a Sunday
only namesake. This idea simply adds extra Sundays for
Worldsday on December 31 each year. World's Leap Day every
four years on June 31 also specifies another Sunday. Two other
possibilities came about. An alternate Saturday/Sunday naming
sequence for Worldsday and World's Leap Day was optional. A
blank weekday name insertion was also offered. Worldsday and
World's Leap Day would then be reserved as independent days
for private, religious, or civil use. Founder and President of
the original World Calendar Association, Elisabeth Achelis
left weekday naming assignments for Worldsday and World's Leap
Day to individual concerns. The World Calendar Proposal
extends the possible weekday naming options to include the
concept of cascaded time. All or part of these many choices
are suggestions and may be used in conjunction with the
The World Calendar is the alternative future for the modern
age. The best intentions of the World Calendar Proposal are
shown above. Minor adjustments of the present calendar year
are needed. The true length of the year and the leap day
addition every four years remain intact. World Calendar
improvements divide the year into four equal quarters of 91
days each. The monthly sequence is evenly distributed over 31,
30, and 30 days per quarter. Each quarter represents 13 weeks
of 7 days, and the half years consist of 26 weeks. Monthly
endings are balanced throughout the year. The additional day
left at the end of the last quarter will be given to December
31. Worldsday would be celebrated on New Year's Eve,
amplifying the effects of New Year's Day to follow. World's
Leap Day will occur on June 31 during leap years. February
changes to a 30 day month, providing equal quarters and more
uniform distribution of time. January is not changed, whereas
March will be shortened to 30 days. April is the first month
of the second quarter and contains 31 days. May and June are
30 days long during regular years. In the third and fourth
quarters, July and October retain 31 days. Changing August to
30 days enables transferring another day to the end of
February. September and November continue to have 30 days
August is changed to 30 days, facilitating transfer of another
day to end of February. September and November continue to
have 30 days. The name of Worldsday will be associated with
New Year's Eve. The excitement of greeting the new year under
a global idea creates a new bond among people. A collective
world approach to problems of today and tomorrow might well be
the greatest accomplishment in the history of humanity. Unity
for a common purpose vastly improves the future of
civilization. Generations to follow us rely on our present
foresight and planning.
World Calendar Advantages
• A single, consistent year with weekdays
fixed to dates.
• Each year begins with New Year's Day on
Sunday, January 1st.
• Quarter and half years likewise begin on
Sundays and end on Saturdays.
• Holidays and other annual events reoccur
on a specific day and date.
• Quarter and half years are equalized, with
every quarter containing 13 weeks, or 91 days; and half years
consist of 26 weeks, or 182 days.
• Quarter years continue a three month
regular sequence of 31, 30 and 30 days.
• Each of the 12 months has 26 weekdays plus
• Two World Holidays complement New Year's
Day. Worldsday, or New Year's Even December 31, and World's
Leap Day on June 31 during leap years, divide the years
• 52 even weeks of 7 days plus Worldsday
secure days and dates in consecutive years.
Revelation 3:12
"... and the name of the city
of my God, which is
new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: ..."
St. John the Divine
Calendar Versions
In the 21 st Century, the need for a total commitment to the
future will be more urgent. Among the many concerns we face
are the social aspects of pollution, water and food shortages,
nuclear war, energy demand, crime, and the economy. We must
respect eternal hope and avoid resigning ourselves to a
doomsday end times prophecy. Proactive steps are will guide us
toward a better future.
The calendar year transfers the need to circulate wealth.
Society depends on national and local governments for
stability, commerce for financial operations, and individuals
to support nurturing of the human species. Religious trends
maintain special variations of the calendar year. The best
example of differing calendar systems that represent an
international situation is demonstrated in the holiest of
cities, Jerusalem. A "New Jerusalem" is often regarded as the
center of Christian prophetic worship (
Heb. 12:22, Rev. 21:2, Rev. 3:12).
The front page of the Jerusalem Post International Edition
newspaper contains three dates of three calendars under the
title. The date by month, day, and year of the western
Gregorian Calendar is given first on the left. The Jewish
Calendar date follows in the center according to the day of
the month, month, and the number of the Jewish Calendar year.
On the right is the day of the month, month, and the number of
the Islamic Calendar year. Three religions and three separate
versions of past history are combined every day. The World
Calendar can unite people who use the same version of the
The World Calendar issue has been respectfully accepted and
endorsed by numerous organizations. The viable resolution
offered by the World Calendar is easily implemented. The
changing millennia will prophecy and restore that which was
lost. The former World Calendar Association offered an open
forum for public response.
Jewish Calendar Highlights
Jewish leaders became sensitive to preserving the continuity
of the seven day week many years ago. Sacred observance of the
Jewish Calendar is fundamental to Judaism at large. The
traditional Jewish Calendar is a lunar - solar calendar that
uses a 19 year cycle. Lunar months having about 29.5 days each
are measured by four complete phases of the moon. The Jewish
lunar/solar calendar applies the oldest calendar mechanics in
existence. Lunar years of the Jewish Calendar count 12 moon
months. Twelve mature lunar months multiply by 29.5 days per
lunar month for 354 days to approximate the lunar year.
Time differences between lunar and solar calendar years
provide lunar/solar calendar adjustments or intercalations.
Subtraction yields 11 days of lunar/solar separation time
between the lunar year of 12 moon months, and the solar year
of about 365 days. Eleven days of difference every year were
the staple for lunar/solar calendars. During 19 years, 11 days
of lunar/solar separation time every year multiply this
division between lunar years and solar years. Lunar/solar
separation time measures 209 days of difference after 19 years
have passed. Therefore, the Jewish 19 year lunar-solar
calendar incorporates these remaining 209 days of separation
as intercalary days in order to catch up the lunar side of the
calendar, with the solar side of the calendar. Sabbath days
and festival periods such as Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Yom
Kippur, and others, are observed according to the 19 year
Metonic cycle of the Jewish Calendar.
The Jewish Calendar is the most widely known lunar/solar
calendar still in continuous use in our modern times. The
Jewish Calendar applies the oldest calendar mechanics in
existence. The approximated 209 days of lunar/solar separation
time were accumulated through close observation of the moon,
sun, and stars during a 19 year cycle. These extra 209 days
are divided into seven intercalary months to reinforce the
sacred seven day week, and they usually alternate between 29
days and 30 days each in the Jewish Calendar. One extra Veador
month is inserted seven different times during 19 years. The
Veador month, or second Adar, is added every two or three
The Jewish lunar/solar calendar year is symbolically affirmed
by establishing the two most critical holidays to the World
Calendar Proposal. Worldsday and World's Leap Day are exactly
six months apart. Two major Jewish holidays are emphasized
with the solar year application of the World Calendar. The
evening of Worldsday characterizes the evening prior to Rosh
Hashanah. New Year's Day compares with Rosh Hashanah, or the
first day of the Jewish New Year. Six months later, the Jewish
Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, is symbolically represented
by the use of World's Leap Day on June 31 during leap years.
By dividing the solar calendar years in half, two major
holidays that were ordained to Moses are represented.
The Jewish Calendar employs a 19 year lunar/solar calendar.
Very different from the present Gregorian Calendar, Jewish
Calendar months have different names. There is no relation
between monthly beginning and ending dates for the different
calendar systems. The Gregorian Calendar and the World
Calendar intercalate leap days only. The Jewish Calendar
intercalates entire months. Christian holidays such as
Christmas and Easter are not interfered with in the World
Calendar Proposal. Traditional Jewish holidays such as Rosh
Hashana and the Passover belong distinctly to the Jewish
Calendar and remain intact.
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A modified version of the 364 calendar year (Shopping Cart
Item WCP) became popular about 1930. The World Calendar
modified the 364 calendar year to became popular about 1930.
World Calendar discussion was championed alongside suffrage
movements and prohibition efforts. Favorable causes often
evidence early social progress. Insufficient majority opinion
undermines resolutions then and now. Jewish leaders opposed
reforms, citing anti-Semitism.
Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the
Holy Bible? seeks anointed people to review and contribute
to the
Ages_of_Adam ministry.
Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan
calendars provide the background to understanding early
time. Ancient calendars of the
Holy Bible use differences
between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day
calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with
X-number of years.
is a free read at timeemits.
Clark Nelson is webmaster for,
author of
and sequel,
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