FAQs 11-1-8


I want to share an excerpt from the article by by Carlos Barrios of the Saq’ Be’ Organization.  Notice two main points in addition to the spiritual prophecy of 2012.


1)  Alternating 5,200-year cycles that were numbered Suns.

2)  Each 5,200-year Sun cycle aligns with feminine energy or masculine energy.



 Message from the Mayan Elders - February, 2006

All this information has wakened the interest of millions of people, but it has also created a lot of confusion and fear, since the date of December 21 of 2012 has been used as the date of the end of the World. However, this date points out the beginning of a new cycle, which is marked in the tradition of the Mayan Elders as a time of harmony and spiritual growing, this cycle is called the FIFTH SUN and each of the previous ones lasted 5,200 years.


The first cycle was of a feminine energy and fire was the element that ruled it.

The second cycle was of a masculine energy and earth was the element that ruled it.

The third cycle was of a feminine energy and air was the element that ruled it.

The fourth cycle was of a masculine energy and water was the element that ruled it.

The fifth cycle is of harmony between the masculine and feminine energy and the element that will rule it will be ether.

Each of these cycles last 5,200 years and they have been affected by the polarity of the masculine or feminine energy and of course they have also been affected by the elements. Today we are at the door of the end of the fourth cycle, which ends on December 20th of 2012, six years from now. During these six years we will be witnesses to the confrontation of the Negative and Positive forces, the eternal fight amongst polarity, the fight between the Eternal Fire and the Eternal Ice, as the Great Masters have named it, rough and magical times, prophetic times, as the Master, Don Pascual, would have said.





Thanks for your questions.  The best way to answer them is one at a time.  I will indent and use a different font for clarity.



I was very impressed with your work. I have gotten about halfway
through your work on Gen 5.

I am a little confused. Let me review what I think I understand

There are 260 days in a sacred year.

Yes, the 260-day-sacred-year was a practiced divinatory cycle of the Mesoamerican cultures.  The term Tzolken Year is used when archeologists and others talk specifically about the Mayan calendar.

There are 365 days in a solar year

Yes, 365 days is a standard year just like we use today, without accounting for leap days.

360 hits the mid point of the solar lunar split.

Yes, 360-days are the centered whole number midpoint between lunar years of 354-days or 355-days and the 365-day-solar-year.



questions are :

Are there 260 total sacred years of 260 days each and then the cycle

A key feature of the ancient calendars is the concept of numerical matching.  Using this method, X number of years can match any X number of days.  The 260-year-sacred-cycle that I have referred to in describing Adam’s age applies this idea.  The 260-year-sacred-cycle has 360-days per year for Adam.  The pattern follows the Mesoamerican 52-year Calendar Round which had 72-Tzolken-sacred-years x 52-Tun-years of 360-days each for 18,720-days.  The last 73 rd sacred year of the Mayan Calendar Round results from 52-years x five nameless days = 260 days.


or are there 260 days in a sacred year and you can have any number of
sacred years?

There are 260-days in the sacred-year and you can have any number of them.  The significant multiples of sacred-years are those found with the Mayan calendar, such as 73-sacred-years in a Calendar Round.  Mayan terms such as the 360-day-Tun-year, 365-day-Haab-year, or the 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year refer specifically to the Mayan calendar.  Sister Aztec and Inca calendar used similar patterns with different names.  I am using the 260-day-sacred-year, or 260-year-sacred-cycle in a generalized way for Adam.

for example you could have 540 sacred years?

You can have 540-sacred-years since that is X number of sacred-years, or X-sacred-years.  I keep the numbers with the units and use hyphens with frequent terms.

Do you know about what the age of the earth is from the time of Adam?

No, what we have is an improved understanding about ancient time reckoning and recording.  The calendar of Adam is a cross-sectional view of history, much like tree ring dating.  I can say that ancient people were counting in 400-year cycles typically called the Mayan Baktun.


Have you done any research into some of the larger cycles beyond the
solar and lunar?

You said you had read about half of Ages of Adam.  Please look ahead to the Holy of Holies.   The Holy of Holies expands the number of multiples of lunar/solar to accomplish greater cycles.  The 400-year-Baktun-cycle is specific to the Mayan calendar.  The similar 400-year-Long-Count is the generalized version.  A Great Cycle is the largest multiple I know of.

I am a little confused about some of your conversions.

You are saying that you can convert regular days into sacred days is
what I am getting.

The conversion you identify is from 130-years having 360-days each, or 46,800 days.  Divide the 46,800 days by 260-day-sacred-years to arrive at 180-sacred-years.  You mentioned “Sacred-days” whereas I do not.  Sacred-days would likely be construed as a misleading term.  I have tried to earmark certain time periods following the number X-units format.  I have developed a unique vocabulary for frequent phrases such as the 800-year Generation Cycle.


I rendered this conversion principle before the Holy of Holies to show the exchange between 260-day-sacred-years and 360-day midpoint types of years.  An additional five extra days every year were the nameless days, or Mayan Wayeb days.  These five days were usually treated as holidays (no servile work) and given special meaning in nearly all versions of the 365-day-solar-year calendar.  In modern times, the days from Christmas to New Years are often celebrated.  The Holy of Holies (partially complete) will appeal especially for the primary age L/S times of Enos and Mahalaleel.

Thanks for writing.
Let me know if you have done any other work as well.

Other works include the short pieces on World Calendar Proposal, Christian Era Calendar and my testimony section.

Have you looked at the measurements of the temple or instance? or any
other number work in the Bible?

The early part of the OT uses the cubit measure.  The Egyptian cubit measures from the elbow to the most distal middle finger tip.  Some Egyptologists define a short cubit and a long cubit.  Sizes range from 22 to 26 inches.  The ark was a big boat to be sure.  Actually, the calendars give me enough math for now.



I'm TRYING to find more info on Very Ancient Calendars. 

I can't seem to find info PRE (say) 700 BC.  Did MOST very ancient calendars have even, unchanging 30-day months?  One website stated that most or all nations CHANGED their calendar around the 8th century BCE, with many adapting to a 29/30 lunar month instead of straight 30 day months.


I partially verified this "fact", the Sumerians (roughly 3000 BC) had this 30 day each month calendar, and the site mentions the Egyptian Calendar also had 30 days months (but did have the knowledge to add the 5 extra days at the end of the year).


However, it states the Babylonian 2000 BCE calendar was already alternating lunar months of 29/30 days each.  Another site said that "all" (I interpret this as "Most") ancient calendars had the 30 day even month, not changing until the 8th century BCE.

Could you direct me to any available sources?


Again, what I'm trying to ascertain is: Did MOST cultures (for what reason is a whole other question!) have a 30 day month before 800 BCE?

THANKS SO MUCH for your time!


I appreciate your enthusiasm. Most people back then were using a 19-year lunar/solar calendar. A complete lunar year measures about 354-days and the solar year measures about 365-days. The 10-11 day difference adds up over 19-years. Babylonian and Jewish settlements were inserting 209-days of intercalation over 19-years in order to keep the lunar moon year on track with the solar year. Villages may have been at different places regarding the 19-year cycle.


Holy Bible Sacred Festival Calendar Figure 3 at the website shows Babylonian influence for naming the months. Regarding the 360-day length of year, I call this a middle position between the 354-day-lunar-year and the 365-day-solar-year. Mayan and sister calendars of Mesoamerica inserted 210-days of intercalation over a 20-year cycle. The Egyptian Calendar used the same approach before becoming completely solar. Understanding this 209-day to 210-day intercalation is the key to my entire website. I plan to provide more information on the 70-days, or 70-years significance in the Holy of Holies section.


I can help you with editing and layout for the booklet. Let me know how it is going.  Here is a link you may enjoy,http://www.creation-answers.com/jubilee.htm



Hello.  I read in an uncanonized portion of what I think is scriptural writing  ( I found while I was searching for info.  on biblical apocrypha ) that people would one day use a count other than 364 when keeping count of the days and years, thereby confounding the count as it were.  If I wanted to find out what the date is now, based on the 364 day year, where would I look?  ( I would have to get the date that this 364 day system had been abandoned, or talk to someone if it is still used somewhere.  I know there may be other considerations, since I have read that people had ways of dealing with the extra day and a quarter each year, if in fact it always has been necessary to make the year match the solar cycle.  I am of course interested in the very oldest of systems.  Can you help me or point me in the right direction?  Thank you so much.



I am unaware of a definite 364-day calendar year to current 2005 Gregorian Calendar correlation.  Revelations coming from the Dead Sea Scrolls show the 364-day calendar year active up to the second century B.C.E.  I have included some links and various notes in the Holy of Holies section.  The culture under discussion needs to be identified.  In Ages of Adam, I referred to the Enochian 364-day calendar year.  Dr. Aberra Molla wrote a fascinating piece about the Ethiopian 364-day calendar year.  This calendar system has ties with the Mayan Calendar and especially calculations involving the 104-day-and-year single term.  The Mayan 104-year Venus Round is likewise traceable to the Babylonians.  I am currently revising this part of Holy of Holies as new information becomes available – so check back often.  Try these links for more.






Hope this helps.




Just found your articles on the web when doing SEARCH, a quick question;
Would the MAYAN calendars be perhaps the 'negative' "PROOF"  to our BIBLICAL dating?
Of course not.  Mayan archeology is simply rediscovering the ancient authenticity of the Bible.
Reason I ask is just realised that there is a 'slogan' out-there on talk-radio..."King George to Hanoi George in just 230 years"...
and it occured to me that George was a 'DRAGON KILLER'.. the reverse of which is...'Killer Dragon'!
Never head this nor do I know what it means.
For those who wish to 'spook themselves out' as was done with Harold Camping's "1994" (which incidentally was mentioned on TV other day as having been re-forecast as '2011') but the interest now in calendrics in relation to scripture and history seems to be growing...
and   http://www.1260-1290-days-bible-prophecy.org
I firmly believe that increased popularity in calendar science and Bible study shows people are expecting the seconding coming.  I will visit these sites.
Wuld like to pose second question if you don't mind, we know that the Masaai used the 1260, and the Celts had a 31-year, ( also a 36-year?) and a 62/64 month cycle which may have been Roman but wouldn't the Bible have a record or 'signature' which is the 'direct opposite' of the Mayan? A piece which fits in to both cultures?
Celts using a 12-month-year and a 36-year cycle indicate some early Roman Calendar influence.  See the Zodiac pages at timeemits.com for more about early astrology and the Sumerian/Babylonian Calendars.
Ben Franklin was a dabbler in math, and created a 260-total  'magic square'. HE also was a 'pyramidologist' Now, what is kind of odd as with Napoleon, the 'dabbling' was at EARLIEST point of contact in modern times
Ben Franklin and many other early American were Free Masons and attracted to Egyptology.  Consequently, they naturally associated themselves with lunar/solar calendar math.  There are parallels between the Egyptian and Mayan Calendars.  I plan to look into Ben’s ‘260-total  'magic square', Do you have anymore info?
So AMERICA and it's corresponding European scientific community must have been 'running the numbers' for the Mayan calendar in relation to the Bible. And then what we are trying to figure out in all this type of rummaging, is if any PROOF of a 'connection' to MEXICO by way of the 'Atlantis' theories can be made via calendrics?
Carlos Casteneda once noted that his mentor, Don Juan said: “The Atlanteans walk at night.”  I think this was a spiritual comment, but you can draw your own conclusions.
Thank you for your consideration, And your website is terrific.
Wonderful comments.  I will soon add a new section for religious dream interpretations.  Thanks for your inputs.


I am interested in the research you have been doing at timeemits.com
However, I have a general question that I am hoping you can answer:
What is the Biblical significance of the Mayan Long Count of 5200 tuns that began in 3114 BC and will end in 2012 AD?
Do you have any ideas?>
Thanks and God bless,
I share the Christian opinion expecting a return of Jesus.  Perhaps less dramatic than the sky separating and angels spewing forth, I hope we see the world progress toward peace and harmony.  We live in turbulent conditions Mayan scholars, amongst others, link to precession of the equinoxes.  This time of trial will give way to a great awakening, when we collectively realize our actions determine the future.  Calendars are simply machines or odometers for measuring time.
I feel significant calendar turning points accommodate divine intervention more easily than at other times.  Have you heard about the 11:59 God? Just when things are at their bleakest, there is resurgence in faith.  I am reminded of the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” The calendar change is both the reason for the event and the result of the event.  People determine their futures.
I am including references for more information.
“How does this Long Count relate to our Gregorian calendar? This problem of correlating Mayan time with "western" time has occupied Mayan scholars since the beginning. The standard question to answer became: what does (the Long Count "beginning" point) equal in the Gregorian calendar? When this question is answered, archeological inscriptions can be put into their proper historical context and the end date of the 13-baktun cycle can be calculated. After years of considering data from varied fields such as astronomy, ethnography, archeology and iconography, J. Eric S. Thompson determined that corresponded to the Julian date 584283, which equals August 11th, 3114 B.C. in our Gregorian calendar. This means that the end date of, some 5125 years later, is December 21st, 2012 A.D.
There some detailed references to Native American cosmology interpretations at:
God has wisely kept us in the dark concerning future events and reserved for himself the knowledge of them, that he may train us up in a dependence upon himself and a continued readiness for every event. - Matthew Henry
Daily Spiritual Seed newletter at: http://shalomplace.com/seed/index.html
Thanks for Asking,



Hi T
I am wondering if your familiar with the ancient Pacific Island
calendar, time conduit? 
I too am a researcher of cal. X and can not find any research on this
subject anywhere other than in Dr. L. Watson's book Many unknown things.
He states " in talking with a shaman on the Isle of Tonga that there is
a blue flash of lightening once a year, to be observed there, by him and
other native emissaries from the world who meet there at the same to
greet the phenomena that marks the beginning of the ancient new year, in
hours, minutes , and seconds. This flash is accompanied by the high
pitched sound of a bell that rings 69 times by those trained to be able
to hear it. 
A year or so after the Dr's discovery the US navy comvoy arrived there,
with a load of scientist aboard to await the flash along with the
emissaries ashore to witness it. To date I have not been able to trace
any more regards the the annual blue flash.
Meantime, in researching the early Jewish and Egyptian cals. have
located a cycle of time, of 69, termed in the Saqarra Text as the
"Ensouling Unit" and also find it in the Mayan cal. That seems to be
pretty screwed up these days where modern. researchers tend to dip their
fingers into these days.

Just curious, and did enjoy your article/blog here on the web site, L.





I have tried to find something about ancient South Pacific

cultures regarding their calendars.  I found nothing

specific about "blue lightening, bells or 69-year terms. 

Sacred Texts.org does have substantial information

however, mostly along the lines of mythology and folklore.

Certainly "L. Watson's book Many unknown things" mentions

an interesting story from Tonga.  Do you know the ISBN

number of his book?  I plan to look further. Perhaps

another visitor will respond with more information on the

subject if they read this message.


Thanks for your request and I will keep you posted.




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