Numerically matching a 365-day-solar-year, 365-year-solar-cycle and
the lifespan 365-year age of Enoch form an original
365-days-and-years single term. Enoch walked with God for 300-years
after becoming the father of Methuselah indicates a sharp
transition. Three versions of the book of Enoch exist. All phases of
the Mayan 5200-Tun-year Great Cycle are accounted for by a sequence
of seven Antediluvian Patriarchs.
Secondary 300-Year Age of Enoch
"And Enoch
walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and
begat sons and daughters:"
Enoch "walked with God" for
300-years after becoming the father of Methuselah indicates a sharp
transition following the earlier primary 65-year age of his life.
Enoch's transformation fulfills the righteous Metatron figure of
Jewish literature. Contrasting 360-day-Tun-years in the primary
65-year age of his life with the secondary age category
300-Tun-years age during later life agrees with the viewpoint of the
translational process. Numerically matching a 365-day-solar-year,
365-year-solar-cycle and the lifespan 365-year age of Enoch form an
original 365-days-and-years single term.
The secondary age category adds cumulative 400-year Baktun cycles
which number from 1 to 13 in the last column of
Antediluvian_Calendar_Table_Figure_24. Another l/s designation
shortens the phrase lunar/solar years and differentiates numbered
400-year-l/s-Baktun-cycles by assigning a cumulative age value in
the list. Successive 400-year Baktun cycles number from 1 to 13 with
associated 400-l/s-year multiples. Table_Figure_24 shows
4800-l/s-years through the secondary 800-year Generation Cycle of
Jared. For example, the secondary 800-year age of Jared ends with
400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 12. Jared ends by summing 4800-l/s-years
in the secondary age category as well. Enoch's secondary age
category provides the last 400-year Baktun cycle 13 to arrive at
5200-l/s-years. A Mayan 5200-year Great Cycle has likewise
lunar/solar mathematics to end with 13 multiples of a 400-l/s-year
Baktun cycle.
Mayan 104-year Venus Rounds and Judaic 105-year Venus Rounds are
comparable time reckoning instruments that help discern
Recall from Ages_of_Adam
that 400-Tun-years in a 400-year Baktun cycle result from squaring
20-lunar/solar-years. Every 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle circumscribes
210-l/s-years of separation time. The solar-side half is therefore
105-years of solar-side time split. A single Judaic 105-year Venus
Round identifies immediately as 105-years of solar-side time
split for every 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle. Mayan 104-year Venus
Rounds can replace Judaic to better agree with progressive
computations. Each 800-year Generation Cycle respects 210-years
of solar-side time split. Two Judaic 105-year Venus Rounds may
substitute as 210-years of solar-side time split for 800-year
Generation Cycles, or with 800-l/s-years in the secondary age
All previous primary age category elements specify a fractional half
or quarter of a 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Adam was given as
130-Tun-years, which is half of 260-Tun-years. The given
90-Tzolken-sacred-year age for Enos easily converts to 65-Tun-years.
Enos imparts the next third quarter of 260-Tun-years via conversion
principles of equality. Mahalaleel quarters 260-Tun-years to
complete the first lunar/solar 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle.
Mahalaleel's given 65-Tun-year age is already in 360-day-Tun-years
and therefore needs no conversion to 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years.
Secondary age category elements include two 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycles that add for each 800-year Generation Cycle. Every
400-l/s-year Baktun cycle embodies one solar-side Judaic 105-year
Venus Round or one 104-year Venus Round in the Mayan vernacular.
Substitution is possible so long as the units remain consistent.
Secondary age 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 1 and 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycle 2 can substitute for 104-year Venus Round 1 and 104-year Venus
Round 2, respectively. Subsequent solar-side 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycle numbers through 12 therefore are singularly substitutable with
corresponding solar-side 105-year Venus Rounds numbers through 12.
Seth's primary 105-year age divides Adam's secondary age 800-year
Generation Cycle from Enos to distinguish separate 400-l/s-year
Baktun cycles 1-2. Seth performs the first solar-side time split.
Cainan divides two entire 800-year Generation Cycles by rendering
the second solar-side time split. Cainan's 70-Tzolken-sacred-year
age, equaling 50-Tun-years, inserts between Enos and Mahalaleel.
Cainan completes the first solar-side only
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Generation Cycle 3 consists of
400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 5-6 that belong to Enos. Generation Cycle
4 extends the secondary age category with 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles
9-10 and they are assigned to Mahalaleel. Following identical
procedures of earlier characters in the chain, Jared provides the
third solar-side time split having 225-Tzolken-sacred-years or the
converted 162.5-Tun-years. Jared reflects Adam's 800-year Generation
Cycle. Jared initiates the second solar-side only
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle with 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 11-12.
Jared's given primary 162-year age divides Enoch's last 400-l/s-year
Baktun cycle 13. Instead of solar-sides time splits separating
multiples of 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles, Enoch causes an inverse
operation to divide 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 13 into a first
primary age part lasting 200-l/s-years and the secondary age part
also lasting 200-l/s-years.
Adam's first lunar/solar 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle was halved
and the first 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 1 was doubled to get
400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 2. Two 105-year Venus Rounds occur for
Adam's first 130-year half of the lunar/solar
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle and his secondary 800-year Generation
Cycle ends. Seth adds 105-year Venus Rounds 3-4 that substitute for
400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 3-4 in the secondary age. The primary
105-year Venus Round age for Seth represents 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycles number 3. Seth's primary 105-year Venus Round 3 age marks a
midpoint age level of 1200-l/s-years in the secondary age category.
Patriarch 800-year Generation Cycles 1-6 dominate the sequence from
Adam through Jared in the secondary ages. Attention turns from
400-l/s-year Baktun cycle pairs to solar-side 104-year Venus Round
pairs to illustrate their secondary ages. Seth institutes
400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 3-4 to isolate one Mayan 104-year Venus
Round, or the corollary Judaic 105-year Venus Round, in the primary
age. Seth's primary 105-year Venus Round doubles by solar-side
reckoning to achieve Cainan's converted primary 50-Tun-years. The
primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year age of Cainan inversely calculates
the 50-Tun-years. Seth admits 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 3-4 to the
secondary age category. Cainan adds 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 7-8.
The solar-side primary age category finishes the first
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle, which equals 260-Tun-years having
360-days each.
The second 130-Tun-year half of the first
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle halves again for Enos and Mahalaleel.
Secondary age 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 5-6 are paired together for
Enos. Cainan's primary 70-Tzolken-year age, equaling 50-Tun-years,
measure the solar-side time split age level at 2800-l/s-years and
primary age 105-year Venus Round 7 is done. Primary age 105-year
Venus Round 8 extends the secondary age level to 3200-l/s-years and
Mahaleel's era begins. Mahalaleel doubles the secondary age category
total incrementing 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 9-10. Like Enos,
Mahalaleel increments the secondary age total to 3600-l/s-years
after 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 9. Mahalaleel's primary fourth
quarter 65-Tun-year age also ends following 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycle 9.
The remaining 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 10 continues to add the
remainder of Generation Cycle 5. Mahalaeel's secondary age ends at
4000-l/s-years when Jared's primary and secondary ages begin.
Jared's primary 162.5-Tun-year calculated age ends at 4400-l/s-years
to finish 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 11 and primary 105-year Venus
Round 11. The second half of Jared's secondary 800-year age
Generation Cycle 6 ends at 4800-l/s-years after 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycle 12 and corresponding primary 105-year Venus Round 12 likewise
Enoch meets the criteria by re-establishing 65-Tun-years in the
primary age category. Similar to the cases of Enos and Mahaleel,
first quartering of the lunar/solar 260-Tun-year pattern occurs.
Enoch begins a new 260-Tun-year cycle relevant to 400-l/s-year
Baktun cycle 13. Enoch's primary 65-Tun-year age likewise identifies
upon substituting 105-year Venus Round 13 for 400-l/s-year Baktun
cycle 13.
Addition of 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 13 to the cumulative
4800-l/s-year total reaches 5200-l/s-years. Jared's secondary age
800-year Generation Cycle returns the lunar/solar
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle to begin anew for Enoch. A second
condition outlined for Enoch makes 105-year Venus Round 13
substitutable with 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 13. Either 13 different
105-year Venus Rounds or 13 different 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles can
describe the entire lineage from Adam through Enoch.
65-Tun_year age of Enoch
Enoch must satisfy a third criterion: something special must happen
to segregate the primary 65-Tun-year age. Enoch's primary age
realizes a mortal, fleshly character segment. After Enoch begat
Methusaleh, the secondary 300-year age represents
translational time that Enoch "walked with God." Significant change occurs
with application of 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 13 or the substitute
104-year Venus Round 13 to the secondary age category.
Secondary 300-Tun-year age of Enoch
Enoch brings about the next 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle 13 along with
corresponding solar-side primary age 105-year Venus Round 13.
Jared's secondary 800-year age Generation Cycle reiterates the
station of Adam. Increasing the secondary age total from
4800-l/s-years to 5200-l/s-years requires deeper inspection of the
105-year Venus Round. Practical reasons that result in even number
evaluations lend the Mayan version 104-year Venus Round temporarily.
Ages_of_Adam and earlier Holy_of_Holies sections explain
the classical Mayan Calendar is based upon a 52-year Calendar Round.
Regular 365-day-solar-years accrue 52-solar-years to amass
18,980-days. The 52-year Calendar Round equals
73-Tzolken-sacred-year using 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years. A primary
age 104-year Venus Round simply sums two Mayan 52-year Calendar
Rounds. A binary ladder evolves with two 52-year Calendar Rounds
achieving one 104-year Venus Round. Two 104-year Venus Rounds
substitute for two 105-year Venus Rounds that enable one 400-year
Baktun cycle. The 52-year Calendar Round is thus, a one quarter
fourth of the lunar/solar separation time required for every
400-year Baktun cycle. The 52-year Calendar Round accounts for
lunar/solar separation time lasting 100-l/s-years of every
400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle.
Jared's primary 162.5-Tun-year age subdivides the
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle into eighths to add 130-Tun-years with
32.5-Tun-years more. One solar-side primary 105-year Venus Round age
of Seth divides the lunar/solar 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle in
half. Two solar-side primary 105-year Venus Rounds gain Cainan's
converted primary 50-Tun-year age and divide the
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle by four. Four solar-side primary
105-year Venus Rounds happen for Jared and a new
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle divides by eight. The first
lunar/solar 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle finishes after
Mahalaleel's fourth quarter primary 65-Tun-year age. Enoch begins
the next, first quarter primary 65-Tun-year age of the second
Dividing the new 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle by eight yields
Enoch's secondary 300-Tun-year age. Since Jared repeats Adam's
primary 130-Tun-year age, Jared divides a third 130-Tun-year age by
four. Enos and Mahalaleel combine to effectively quadruple a
secondary age 400-l/s-year Baktun cycle. Baktun cycles 5-6 are
separated from 400-l/s-year Baktun cycles 9-10 by Cainan. Enoch
reverses the operation. Enoch copies the station of Cainan in
reverse to divide 400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle 13 by four.
Secondary age 400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle 13 causes two
interesting lunar/solar time divisions. Enoch's primary 65-Tun-year
age corresponds with the first 100-l/s-years of 400-l/s-year Baktun
Cycle 13. Enoch's primary 65-Tun-year age likewise accounts for only
the first 65-Tun-year age in the second
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Three quarters of the
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle remain to equal 195-Tun-years.
Three-quarters of secondary age 400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle 13
likewise remain outstanding. Enoch secondary 300-Tun-year age
accounts for the remaining three-quarters of secondary age
400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle 13. The final answer for Enoch extends the
secondary category total by 300-l/s-years. Baktun cycle 13 adds
400-l/s-years to Jared's cumulative 4800-l/s-year secondary age
total. Enoch concludes the 5200-l/s-year secondary age category when
400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle 13 ends. All phases of the Mayan
5200-Tun-year Great Cycle are accounted for by a sequence of seven
Antediluvian Patriarchs.
summation of Enoch's lifetime numerically matches a
365-day-and-year single term.
"And all the
days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:"
Association with the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle quartering effect
results in the primary 65-year age of Enoch being given by the Bible in terms of midpoint
360-day-Tun-years. The 360-day midpoint length of years is
equivalent to, and used interchangeably with 360-day-Tun-years.
Lunar/solar separation times alternately compute the primary
65-Tun-year age of Enoch in 360-day-Tun-years. The secondary
300-year age of Enoch adds to the cumulative secondary age category
Numerical matching involves 365-day-solar-years,
365-year-solar-cycles and the lifespan 365-year age of Enoch to form
an original 365-days-and-years single term. The quoted lifespan of
Enoch above amounts 65-Tun-years plus 300-Tun-years to equal
365-years (Eqn. 1). A composite 365 year age includes the given
65-Tun-year and 300-Tun-year ages, in terms of 360 day-Tun-years.
Dual types of calendar years form the combined 365-year lifetime age
of Enoch.
Lifetime Age for Enoch
1. 65 Year Primary Age of
+ 300 Year Secondary Age of Enoch
= 365 Year Total Lifetime Age for Enoch
Two biblical mentions concerning Enoch show that he was a righteous
character, and that he should not see death. Genesis
summarizes the character Enoch. Another New Testament scripture more clearly illustrates the
Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him."
faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was
not found,
because God had translated him:
for before his translation he had this testimony, that he
pleased God."
The significance of Enoch is quite apparent in
religious perceptions regarding the work of Enoch. Presently, three
versions of the book of Enoch exist. The first being the Ethiopic
found by James Bruce in Abyssinia in 1773. Dr. Richard Laurence, a
Hebrew professor at Oxford, translated The Book of Enoch to English
in 1821. The Book of Enoch is often referred to as Enoch I. The
second is called The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, or the Slavonian
Enoch. Professor Sokolov discovered the piece in Belgrade,
Yugoslavia, 1886. Also called Enoch II, it was translated by Morfill
and Charles in 1896. The third is called 3 Enoch or The Hebrew Book
of Enoch, and was translated by Hugo Odeberg in 1922. From Enoch
comes the concept of a pre-existent Messiah, which influenced
early Christianity and prepared the way for the belief in the
divinity of Jesus Christ. Traces of Enoch may someday prove to be
far older than many scholars suspect. Regarded as an apocryphal
work, The Book of Enoch, the prophet, applies a wealth of calender
The conductors of the sun, moon, and stars are recorded in detail.
Variations between the three works of Enoch aid in understanding
them. A fundamental principle shared amongst the three works of
Enoch is a deviation from a typical 365 day solar calendar year.
Especially in chapters 73 - 75 of the Ethiopic Enoch I, important
references are made to a 364 day calendar year.
Chapter 73:11
"At those times there is excess of thirty days belonging to the
sun in five years; all the days belonging to each year of the five
years, when completed, amount to three hundred and sixty-four
days; and to the sun and stars belong six days; six days in each
of the five years; thus thirty days belong to them;"
Chapter 73:12
"So that the moon has thirty days less than the sun and stars."
Chapter 73:13
"The moon brings on all the years exactly, that their stations may
come neither too forwards nor too backwards a single day; but that
the years may be changed with correct precision in three hundred
and sixty-four days. In three years the days are one thousand and
ninety-two; in five years they are one thousand eight hundred and
twenty; and in eight years two thousand nine hundred and twelve
Chapter 73:14
"To the moon alone belong in three years one thousand and
sixty-two days; in five years it has fifty days less than the sun,
for an addition being made to the one thousand and sixty-two days,
in five years there are one thousand seven hundred and seventy
days; and the days of the moon in eight years are two thousand
eight hundred and thirty-two days."
Chapter 73:15
"For its days in eight years are less than those of the sun by
eighty days, which eighty days are its diminution in eight years.
The year then becomes truely complete according to the station of
the moons, and the station of the sun; which rise in the different
gates; which rise and set in them for thirty days."
The commands of the luminaries and the heavenly ministers become
apparent when the involved mathematics of time are realized. Verse
11 stipulates an excess of thirty days belong to the sun in five
years, and the same verse mentions the 364-day length of year.
Thirty days in five years are divided for six days per year. Further
in the passage, the sun and stars are given six days in each of the
five years. The interpretation of these 6-days is important to an
early sexagesimal calendar system. A calendar having twelve lunar
months of 30-days per month results in a 360-day midpoint length of
year (Eqn. 2). Six days per year separate a 354 day lunar year from
a 360 day midpoint length of year. Thus, six days of the moon would
be given to the sun and stars. In five years, thirty days adjust a
354-day-lunar-year to 360-days per year (Eqn.3). The lunar year is
354 days, with six days given to the sun and stars.
adds 6-days per year to 354-day-lunar year
2. 5-Years of 360-Days per
x 6-Days adjust a 354 Day Lunar Year to a 360-Day-Tun-year,
or Midpoint Year
= 30 Days adjust 5-Lunar-Years to 5-Tun-Years of 360-Days
Quarterly Division of 91-days
3. 3 Months per Quarter of
x 30 Days per Month
= 90 Days per Quarter of 360 Day Midpoint Length of Year
+ 1 Day of 4 Days Which Align the Heavenly Realm
of Spirits
= 91 Days per Quarter of 364-day Enochian (or Ethiopic)
Calendar Year
Enochian and Ethiopic Years have
4. 365.25 Day-Solar-Year
- 364 Day Enochian Calendar Year
1.25 Days per Enochian
Calendar Year Completes Solar Year

finishes the first seven Antediluvian Calendar Patriarchs.
Numerically matching a 365-day-solar-year,
365-year-solar-cycle and the lifespan 365-year age of Enoch
form an original 365-days-and-years single term. Enoch
walked with God for 300-years after becoming the father of
Methuselah indicates a sharp transition. Three versions of
the book of Enoch exist. All phases of the Mayan
5200-Tun-year Great Cycle are accounted for by a sequence of
seven Antediluvian Patriarchs. Cart Item S300YAE
_Time for the complete PDF article list for
Ages_of_Adam and Holy_of_Holies from Paypal-Payloadz

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HoH revised text 8/26/12
The 364-day Ethiopic calendar year includes four days added to
360-days. Ethiopic Enoch I adamantly purports to limit the calendar
year to 364-days. Ten days of difference are the sole correct
measure between 354-day-lunar-years and 364-day-Ethiopic-years. A
midpoint, 360-day-Tun-year is essential to evaluating the entire
Antediluvian Calendar list.
Chapter 74:3
"Respecting them, men greatly err, for these luminaries truly
serve, in the mansion of the world, one day in the first gate, one
in the third, one in the fourth, and one in the sixth gate."
Chapter 74:4
"And the harmony of the world of the world becomes complete every
three hundred and sixty-fourth state of it. For the signs,"
Chapter 74:5
"The seasons,"
Chapter 74:6
"The years,"
Chapter 74:7
"And the days, Uriel showed me; the angel whom the Lord of Glory
appointed over all the luminaries."
Chapter 74:8
"Of heaven in heaven, and in the world; that they might rule in
the face of the sky, and appearing over the earth, become"
Chapter 74:9
"Conductors of the days and nights: the sun, the moon, the stars,
and all the ministers of heaven, which make their circuit with all
the chariots of heaven."
Presence of the 364-day calendar year emphasized by the works of
Ethiopic Enoch I is representative of the philosophy that an extra
day and leap day fraction remain separate from the rest of the year.
After 364-days have been completed, another day per year remains to
account for the last year of a 365-year-solar-cycle. An Ethiopic
version of the 364-day calendar year is numerically the same as the
Enochian Sect's and finds wider appeal in these narratives.
A desire to even 52 weeks of seven days each is the contributing
factor in the promotion of the Ethiopic, Enochian 364-day length of
year. Most likely, Enoch brought about intercalations by cascading
365-day-solar- years in computations long ago. Enoch I bonds Judaic
360-day-midpoint-years with Mayan 360-day-Tun-years. The Ethiopic
364-day-calendar-year underscores cascaded time conceptions employed
by the Enochian Sect.
Synopsis for the Ages
of Enoch
- The primary 65-Tun-year age of Enoch begins a new lunar/solar
260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle in the primary age category of
Antediluvian Patriarchs. Like Enos and Mahalaleel's primary
ages, Enoch's primary 65-Tun-year age constitutes on quarter of
the second lunar/solar 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle.
- The secondary 300-Tun-year age of Enoch shows the remaining
three quarter, 195-Tun-year period completes the second
lunar/solar primary age 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Enoch
adds the last 400-l/s-year Baktun Cycle 13, to bring the
secondary age category total to 5200-l/s-years.
- Venus Rounds develop following 13 cycles of the Greek
Octareous 8-solar-year pattern known to Mesoamerican culture.
Two Venus Rounds variations are the Mayan 104-year Venus Round
and the Judaic 105-year Venus Round. Both types of Venus Rounds
may substitute as a pair to replace one lunar/solar 400-year
Baktun Cycle.
- Seth's primary 105-year age, defines the solar-side Judaic
105-year Venus Round 3 that divides Adam's 800-year Generation
Cycle 1 and Enos' 800-year Generation Cycle 3.
- A Mayan 5200-year Great Cycle aptly describes 5200-l/s-years
in the secondary age category to end the ancestral chain of
seven Antediluvian Patriarchs.
- Spirituality of Enoch alludes to the fleshly and mortal,
corrupt phase of his life during the primary 65-Tun-year age.
- Enoch's Walk with God
during the secondary 300-Tun-year age signifies the
all-important transformation process Jewish sages have
articulated. The righteous Metatron has angelic tone throughout
literature that includes three translated works of Enoch.
- Six days exceed a 354-day lunar year to indicate that a
360-day midpoint length of year held prime virtue for Ethiopian
calendar arithmetic. Four
days beyond 360-days separately align with the four quarters of
a 360-day midpoint length of year.
Men are advised to exclude the one and one-quarter leap
day fraction every year from the regular computation of any
- The Ethiopic (Enochian) calendar utilizes 364-days per year to
multiply an 800-year Generation Cycle by the remaining one and
one-quarter leap day fraction. The resulting 1,000 days evidence
a mirroring effect with 1,000 years, and between heaven and
earth, as mentioned by the New
Testament scripture.
- The secondary
300-year age of Enoch supports the days-and-years single term
that completes 365-day-solar-years and 365-year-solar-cycles. A 365-days-and-years single
term reinforces the total Ethiopic (Enochian) era. Symbolism of the Enochian
Sect's 364-day-calendar-year and summation for 365-solar-years
adapt to Egyptian Sothic Cycle cascaded time concepts.
Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible? seeks anointed
people to review and contribute to the Ages_of_Adam ministry.
Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan
calendars provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences
between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar
year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years. Ages_of_Adam
is a free read at timeemits.
Clark Nelson is webmaster for,
author of Ages_of_Adam and
sequel, Holy_of_Holies.
Revised Copyright 2013
Clark Nelson and All Rights Reserved. URL