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Synopsis for the Ages of Adam and Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared and Enoch provide key points from Ages_of_Adam and Holy_of_Holies material. Lunar/solar calendar origins are evident for their famed ages in Genesis 5. Antediluvian Calendar of the Patriarchs includes Day & Year numerical matching and related phrases.

Synopsis for the Ages of Adam and Seth

Synopsis for the Ages of Adam

  • The integrity of calendar duration and distant religious eschatology is preserved. The calendar maintains days and years as different unit measurements of time.

  • Biblical mention of the famed ages of Adam in Genesis 5 was deeply rooted in the ancient lunar/solar calendar system.

  • Numerical matching is a basic lunar/solar calendar concept. The 365 day-solar-year and the 365 year-solar-cycle numerically match in a 365 Day & Year single term.

  • The 260 day-sacred-year and the 260 year-sacred-cycle relate by numerical matching. The remaining 105-day portion of a 365 day-solar-year and 105-year portion of a 365 year-solar-cycle relate by numerical content.

  • Mayan Calendar vocabulary assigns the word Tzolken to describe 260 Days & Years in a pantheon of many gods.

  • Middle Eastern lunar/solar calendars using the 19-year lunar/solar cycle result in 209-days of lunar/solar separation time. Mesoamerican Calendars approximate lunar/solar separation time to be 210-days during a 20-year lunar/solar cycle. Shared intervals of both calendar types prove the original Bible calendar was the stem.

  • Holy_of_Holies pictures and bold text use colors to help define meanings. Black text is used for Patriarch names, scriptures and general meanings. Green areas and text denote active lunar/solar time. Blue areas and text denote inactive lunar/solar time. Red areas and text relate to active solar-side time.

  • Holy_of_Holies work refers to 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years or 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles in building the Genesis 5 Antediluvian Calendar of the Patriarchs.

  • For example, Adam has a Primary 130-Year Age when he begat Seth in Genesis 5:3. Mayan Tun years have 360-days. Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age divides Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 in half. Active green text and graphics show Adam's first age when he begat Seth.

  • Mayan Calendar vocabulary assigns the word Tun for 360 Days & Years regarding the midpoint 360-days between lunar and solar years. Holy_of_Holies refers to 360 day-Tun-years or 360 year-Tun-cycles by emphasizing hyphenated phrases.

  • The Great Cycle and the Long Count Initial Series of Mesoamerican Calendars employ Mayan lunar/solar 400-Year Baktun Cycles. Holy_of_Holies describes 400-Year Baktun Cycles 1-13 with similar color coded text. Adam 400-Year Baktun Cycle 1 is active green during Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age.

  • The Great Cycle includes 13 Mayan 400-Year Baktun Cycles, which amount to 5200-Tun-Years of 360 day-Tun-Years. Common adaptation refers to 5200-Haab-solar-years of 365 day-solar-years. Two 400-Year Baktun Cycles add to make one 800-Year Generation Cycle visible in the Secondary AgesHoly_of_Holies numbers 800-Year Generation Cycles from 1 to 6 for each Antedilvian Patriarch: Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel and Jared.

  • The Great Cycle equally expresses as 7300-Tzolken-sacred-years of 260-days each in the Mesoamerican dual calendar system.

  • All Primary Ages belong to the Primary Age Category. Primary Ages begin with the named Antediluvian Patriarch’s birth and end with the next named offspring son. Adam Primary 130-Tun-year Age is active green until he fathers his son, Seth.

  • All Secondary Ages belong to the Secondary Age Category that measures from fatherhood until death of the named character. Secondary Ages from Adam through Jared consist of one 800-Year Generation Cycle plus additional Solar-Side time as necessary.

  • The Secondary Age of Adam is the first 800-Year Generation Cycle 1. An 800-Year Generation Cycle adds two consecutive 400-Year Baktun Cycles such as Adam 400-Year Baktun Cycle 1 + Adam 400-Year Baktun Cycle 2. Adam 400-Year Baktun Cycle 2 is inactive blue since no Primary Age is generated. Adam 800-Year Generation Cycle 1 contains 800-Tun-years of 360 day-Tun-years.

  • The ultimate power of God and time inspired the Creation. Survival meant the concerns of raising food and nurturing the children. Lunar/solar calendars are the natural way to measure celestial events.

  • Jewish Seth Primary Solar 105-Year Age is the first Solar-Side time split of Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 . Seth Secondary 807-Year Generation Cycle 2 Age includes Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycles 3-4 plus 7-Tzolken-sacred-years. Solar-Side Seth occurs between Lunar/Solar characters Adam and Enos.

    Synopsis for the Ages of Seth

    The effects of cascaded time form an elementary pattern:

  • Seth in the Bible is called Jewish Seth in Holy_of_Holies illustrations and text. Mayan & Egyptian Seth relates to the Egyptian mythological Seth and relevant Mayan Venus Round calendar cycles. Parallel mythologies and Venus counting techniques underscore shared cultural resources. Fixed, sacred pillars that held calendar records symbolized Semitic Baals and Seth. Seth was the first-generation founder of the Patriarchal Age order.

  • The 19-year lunar/solar calendar cycle measures 209-days of lunar/solar separation time. The 20-year lunar/solar calendar cycle approximates lunar/solar differences to be 210-days of lunar/solar separation time. Where applicable, a Mayan Katun adds the prefix "Ka" to 360 day-Tun-years. Katuns are 20 annual multiples of 360 day-Tun-years, hence the hyphenated phrase Katun 20 year-lunar/solar-cycle.

  • Patriarchal layers of cascading time begin with Adam and Seth. The 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-year adds with 105-days to figure a combined 365 day-solar-year.

  • The Solar-Side half of 210-days lunar/solar separation time found with a Katun 20 year-lunar/solar-cycle is 105-days.

  • A 400-Year Baktun-lunar/solar-cycle results from 20 multiples of Katun 20 year-lunar/solar-cycles. Prefix "Bak" modifies 360 day-Tun-years to get 400 multiples of 360 day-Tun-years. Katun 20 year-lunar/solar-cycle squares for 20 multiples. The same 400-Year Baktun Cycle divides 210-years of lunar/solar separation time to get the Jewish Solar-Side 105-Year time split half.

  • The 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle plus another Solar-Side 105-Year time split total the combined 365 year-solar-cycle.

  • The 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-year adds 100-days to compute a 360-day midpoint length of year. The 360 day-Tun-year is the middle position between lunar and solar calendar years in early calendar systems. Numerical Day & Year matching properties dictate how a 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle adds 100-years to get a 360 year-Tun-cycle. Mainstay Jewish Solar-Side 364 day-Ethiopic-years, used in conjunction with numerical matching, particularly reveal integer values for later Cainan and Jared Solar-Side time split calculations.

  • The last 5 Day & Year single term in every solar 365 Day & Year single term was treated as a special holiday period. The last 5 Day & Year single term adds with a 100 Day & Year single term with consistent units.

  • Two 400-Year Baktun Cycles sequentially add for each Secondary Age Category 800-Year Generation Cycle 1-6 in Holy_of_Holies. Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 3 provides active red text and graphics to generate Jewish Seth Primary 105-Year Venus Round 3 Age. Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 3 generates two kinds of Solar-Side Primary Age Venus Rounds. Mayan & Egyptian Seth Primary 104-solar-year Venus Round 3 Age provides a learning aid for comparison. Jewish Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-Year Venus Round 3 Age is the first Solar-Side time split of the Antediluvian Calendar

  • Seth Primary  105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age includes the last 5 Day & Year single term. Five 364 day-Ethiopic-years (or five 364 day-calendar years according to Enoch I) result in 1,820-days exactly. In comparison, five 365 day-solar-years amount to 1,825-days. The whole number, integer quotient answer of 7-Tzolken-sacred-years is only possible when 1,820-days convert to 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years.

  • Seth Secondary 807-Year Generation Cycle 2 Age is given bGenesis 5:7. Seth 807-Year Generation Cycle 2 repeats the 800-Year Generation Cycle pattern a second time. An additional 7-Tzolken-sacred-years or 1,820-days, equal the last 5-Ethiopic-years in Jewish Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age. Five additional 364 day-Ethiopic-years or 1,820 days, divide by 260-days for 7-Tzolken-sacred-years. Seth Secondary 807-Year Generation Cycle 2 Age combines Seth 800-Year Generation Cycle 2 with 7-Tzolken-sacred years to arrive at 807-Years.

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    Synopsis_List for the Patriarch ages of Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared and Enoch provides a keypoint list from Ages_of_Adam and Holy_of_Holies material. Lunar/solar calendar origins are evident for their famed ages in Genesis 5. Antediluvian Calendar of the Patriarchs includes day-year numerical matching and related phrases from other calendar systems. Currently includes Antediluvian Calendar Table, References below and incomplete Equations for HoH. Item SL

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    Adam, Enos and Mahalaleel Primary Ages constitute Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Seth, Cainan and Jared Primary Ages are based upon the Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle. Adam Primary 130-Tun-year Age marks the first half of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Genesis 5:9 gives Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age at the time of fathering Cainan.

    Synopsis for the Ages of Enos

  • Listed ages in the "Begat Genealogy" are derived from two different types of lengthy lunar/solar calendar cycles. Lunar/Solar reckoning is first represented by a 260 Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle. The Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle counts 360 day-Tun-years. Each 360 day-Tun-year has a remainder. Modern calendars recognize 365 day-solar-years. Every 360 day-Tun-year isolates four archangel, royal star days. These four remaining days in a 364 day-Ethioptic-year elicit admonition not to be counted during the regular course of the year.

  • Concepts of numerically matching 360 day-Tun-years and 360 year-Tun-cycles establish 360 Days & Years as an important single numerical term. Lunar phases, equinoxes and solstices, and wandering planets formulate the lunar/solar calendar. Cultural allegiance tends to divide the year into quarters. The last four days, are placed one each at the end of every 90-day quarter. Another method of counting groups the four days together at year end or new year beginning. Halving and doubling time to measure longer times held the marvelous ingenuity of the ancient people.

  • The final 365th-day numerically matches 365 Day & Year segments into a single term. One final day may have recurred on New Years Day or at year end to finish a 365 day-solar-year. The last single day was distinctly isolated from all other days during the year whenever the 364 day-Ethiopic-year became the main instrument for timekeeping.

  • Genesis 5:9 gives Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age at the time of fathering Cainan.

  • Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year age converts to Enos Primary 65-Tun-year Age. Enos Primary 65-Tun-year Age provides the next green, third quarter of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.

  • Geographically fixed societies tend to develop solar relevant cosmology, mixing astrology with astronomy, with reference to a solar calendar base. The prime example is ancient Egypt with obelisks serving as sighting markers. Infamous Sun god Ra and the entire deity family fit the stability profile. Ancient Egypt emphasized the Solar-Side of lunar/solar origins.

  • Mobile culture reliant upon lunar phases generally intercalated days and/or months as necessary to keep their lunar-time in step with solar-time. Early Israelites are the focus of the Holy Bible and Genesis. Resulting lunar/solar calendars, including variations, had agricultural significance and ties with harvest celebrations. Learning about Lunar phases, equinoxes and solstices, and wandering planets combine to formulate the lunar/solar calendar.

  • Patriarch Enos lists ages that correlate with 360 day-Tun-years existing as midpoint (Tun) lengths between lunar and solar years. Concepts of numerically matching 360-Days & 360-Years establish 360 Days & Years as a single numerical term. Mayan Tun indicates a 360-quantity of time per single term.

  • Enos quarters the Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle and its companion Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle. Tun is also the midpoint length of cycle in the Primary Age Category. Mayan Calendar methodology enumerates a Lunar/Solar 360 year-Tun-cycle that utilizes 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age labels his given Primary 90-Year Age at the time of fathering Cainan. A proportional relationship exists to equal Enos Primary 65-Tun-year Age using 360 day-Tun-years.

  • Genesis 5:10 specifies Enos Secondary 815-Year Generation Cycle 3 Age is the third 800-Year Generation Cycle unit, plus some 15-Ethiopic-years of Solar-Side holiday time. Squaring the 20 year l/s-cycle produces one 400-Year Baktun Cycle. Numbered Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 5 and Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 6 add together in making Enos 815-Year Generation Cycle 3.

  • Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age is active green when the Secondary Age Category total further increases from 2000 l/s-years to 2400 l/s-years at the end of Enos 400-year Baktun Cycle 6. Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 6 marks the inactive blue second half of Enos 800-Year Generation Cycle 3.

  • Enos and his cohorts engaged the arts of divination and control over heavenly forces. Four revolutions in nature were justified. The mountains became barren; corpses began to putrefy; men became ungodly and had the faces of animals; and demons lost their fear of men. Enos was the son of Seth and the grandson of Adam.

  • Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age converts to 50-Ethiopic-years. Twice Seth Primary Solar 105-Year Venus Round Age (3-4), plus converted Cainan 50-Ethiopic-Years finish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycles 7-8 add together to make Cainan Secondary 840-Year Generation Cycle 4. The last 40-Ethiopic-years summarize eight Solar 105-Year Venus Rounds.

    Synopsis for the Ages of Cainan

  • Numerical matching shows that 70-days, 70-years, and 70-Tzolken-sacred-years all convey values defining Solar-Side Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age. Calculating the 69.2-Tzolken-sacred-year minimum and 70.2-Tzolken-sacred-year maximum compare approximates to the given Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age.

  • Converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age substitutes as first Solar-Side time split using the 364 day-Ethiopic-year.

  • Twice Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age provides 210-Ethiopic-years. Converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age adds to finish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.

  • Solar-Side Seth and Cainan complete Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 for both Mayan & Egyptian, and Jewish series.

  • Adam alternates to Enos to finish three-quarters of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.

  • Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age benchmark repeats 8 times for Cainan.

  • Cainan's final 40-Ethiopic-years comprises eight 5-Ethiopic-year tags.

  • Cainan Secondary 840-Year Generation Cycle 4 Age repeats previous Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycles from Adam a fourth time. Cainan Secondary 840-Year Generation Cycle 4 Age includes the fourth, 800-Year Generation Cycle 4 plus 40-Ethiopic-years.

  • Cainan's summary 40-Ethiopic-years are independent year-ending holidays remaining after 360 day-Tun-years.

  • Cainan Secondary 840-Year Generation Cycle 4 Age increments the Secondary Age Category by Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7 plus Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 8.

  • Cainan begins 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7 at the 2400-l/s-year mark when his Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age, or his converted Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age, start.

  • Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 8 changes text and graphics coloring from blue inactive to red active following Cainan Midpoint 2800 l/s-year Age level.

  • Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 8 ends the cumulative Secondary Age Category total at 3200 l/s-years.

  • Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 begins at Cainan Midpoint 2800 l/s-year Age level by repeating the above process.

  • An identical Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year period occurs during Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 8 after Midpoint Age.

  • Two Primary Age Category Solar-Side 70-Tzolken-sacred-year spans carry forward to Jared.

  • Cainan’s lifetime age adds his Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age and his given Secondary 840-Year Age for 910-years (Genesis 5:14).

  • Mahalaleel Primary 65-Year Age is the fourth quarter division of Primary Age Category Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 in the Antediluvian Calendar. Genesis 5 lists the Patriarchs that include Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan and Mahalaleel. Exchanges occur between Mayan Calendar 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years and 360 day-Tun-years.

  • Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 completes by adding Mahalaleel Primary 65-Tun-Year Age. Adam Primary 130-Tun-year Age provides the first half of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1, followed by Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age, or converted Enos Primary 65-Tun-Year Age in the third quarter. Mahalaleel Primary 65-Tun-Year Age adds the fourth quarter to the aggregate Primary Age Category Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.

  • Between Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 component divisions are the alternating Primary Age Solar-Side separations of Seth and later, Cainan. Seth is the first Solar-Side generation after Adam. Seth separates Lunar/Solar Primary Ages of Adam and Enos by introducing his Solar-Side Primary Age.

  • Numerical matching bonds 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years with 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles. A Mayan Tun enables the same process to match 360-day midpoint lengths of years with 360-year midpoint lengths of cycles. Ultimately, 210-days of lunar/solar separation per Katun 20-year-l/s-cycle also match with 210-years of lunar/solar separation per 400-Year Baktun Cycle.

  • Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age begins the Primary Age Category designed to express sequential 800-Year Generation Cycles 1-6 based upon 360-day midpoint (Tun) lengths of years and 360-year midpoint (Tun) lengths of cycles. Each 800-Year Generation Cycle 1-6 accumulates 40 multiples of 20-year l/s-cycles. Extra time beyond 360 day-Tun-years and 360 year-Tun-cycles cumulatively adds to each named Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycle.

  • Adam Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycle 1 Age details the Secondary Age pattern for subsequent Patriarchs: Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel and Jared. Mahalaleel alternates with Cainan in the Primary Age Category to furnish the fifth, Mahalaleel Secondary 830-Year Generation Cycle 5 Age.

  • Mahalaleel also doubles Enos' additional 15-Ethiopic-years to add his last 30-Ethiopic-years. Mahalaleel Secondary 830-Year Generation Cycle 5 Age includes his last 30-Ethiopic-years. Mahalaleel’s given Secondary 830-Year Generation Cycle 5 Age finishes Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 in the Primary Age Category.

  • Metagenesis is a borrowed word from biology that describes reproduction characterized by the alternation of generations. Ancient writers aptly conveyed alternation of Patriarchal generations by pairing Enos and Cainan Primary Ages. Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-year Age and Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year form a given pair in 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. This prudent technique serves to distinguish multiple repetitions of Lunar/Solar and Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles. Numbering 400-Year Baktun Cycles 1-13 and associated Venus Round 1-13 offspring accomplishes similar purpose in Holy_of_Holies.

  • Five Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycles surmount the Secondary Ages of: Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, and Mahalaleel. Dual Calendars of 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years and 360 day-Tun-years were 4,000-l/s-years old at the start of Jared Primary 162-Year Age.

  • Twice Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age provides 210-Ethiopic-years. Converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age adds to finish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Second pass, Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 marks Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycles 7-8 completion in the Secondary Age Category. Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 3 carries forward two converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age (or two 49-Year Jubilee Cycle) episodes to reach Jared's Primary 162-Year Age Lunar/Solar and Solar-Side Convergent Point.

    Synopsis for the Ages of Jared

  • Jared Primary 162-Year Age calculates 162.5-Ethiopic-years to mark the third Solar-Side time split in the Primary Age Category. Ethiopic years having 364-days develop Seth's first Solar-Side time split, Cainan's second Solar-Side time split and Jared’s third Solar-Side time split in the Primary Age Category. All three Solar-Side time splits separate distinct halves and quarters of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 that consists of 360 day-Tun-years.

  • Antediluvian Calendar progression from Solar-Side Cainan to Solar-Side Jared climaxes with end of Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2.
  • Following the transition pattern of doubling Seth's Primary 105-Ethiopic-Year Venus Round 3 Age for 210-Ethiopic-Years, and subtracting the equivalent converted 294-Tzolken-sacred-years from 364-Tzolken-sacred-years, Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age was calculated to finish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.   

  • Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 repeats Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 in reverse order. Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age doubles for 140-Tzolken-sacred-years and subtracts from 364-Tzolken-sacred-years. Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 equals unity with 364-Tzolken-sacred-years that count 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years.

  • Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 3 carries forward two converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Ages (or two 49-Year Jubilee Cycle episodes) to reach Jared's convertible Primary 225-Tzolken-sacred-year Age that equals 162.5-Tun-years having 360 day-Tun-year lengths. Conversions approximate the given third Solar-Side time split Primary 162-Year Age of Jared. Solar-Side 49-Year or 50-Year Jubilee Cycles have a bearing on the computations.

  • Jared Primary 162-Year Age also begins Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 via the compound result. Jared Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycle 6 Age duplicates Adam Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycle 1 Age. The initial 130-Tun-years within Jared Primary 162-Year Age duplicates the original case of Adam Primary 130-Tun-Year Age. Adding another 32.5-Tun-year component resolves Jared Primary 162.5-Year Age in two parts.

  • Lunar/Solar Jared Primary 162.5-Year Age and Solar-Side Jared Primary 162.5-Year Age are equal where the two types of 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles merge in the Primary Age Category. Jared Convergent Point exists at the end of Jared 400-Year Baktun Cycle 11, which is Jared Midpoint 4400-l/s-year Age Level in the Secondary Age Category. General black text Jared 400-Year Baktun Cycle 11 suitably adjusts for Lunar/Solar Jared 400-Year Baktun Cycle 11 or Solar-Side Jared 400-Year Baktun Cycle 11 depending on the context.

  • Seth's 1,200 l/s-year Midpoint Age level increases to get Cainan's 2,800 l/s-year Midpoint Age level in the Secondary Age Category cumulative total. Cainan's Midpoint Age then increases to Jared's 4,400 l/s-years Midpoint Age level still in the Secondary Age Category.

  • Ancient observers likely approximated planet Jupiter's 399-day mean synodic period to 400-days. Numerical matching involving a 400 Day & Year single term yields mythical influences most notable in later Greco-Roman culture. Jared 400-Year Baktun Cycles 11-12 sum to finalize Jared Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycle 6. Patriarch Jared perpetuates the semblance of celestial deity worship.

  • Jared ends with 400-Year Baktun Cycle 12, or 4800 l/s-years in the Secondary Age Category. Jared Secondary 800-Year Generation Cycle 6 Age appears in the Antediluvian_Calendar_Table_Figure_13. Jared concludes 6 Primary Age Category divisions and 6 Secondary Age Category 800-Year Generation Cycles.

  • A desire to even 52 weeks of seven days each is the contributing factor in the promotion of the Enochian Sect, 364 day-Ethiopic-year. Most likely, Enoch brought about intercalations by cascading 365 day-solar- years in computations long ago. Enoch I bonds Jewish 360 day-midpoint (Tun) years with Mayan & Egyptian 360 day-Tun-years. The 364-day-Ethiopic-year underscores cascaded time conceptions employed by the Enochian Sect.

    Synopsis for the Ages of Enoch

  • Enoch Primary 65-Tun-year Age begins Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 in the Primary Age Category of Antediluvian Patriarchs.

  • Enoch Primary 65-Tun-year Age constitutes a single first quarter of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2.

  • Enoch Secondary 300-Tun-year Age shows the blue inactive remaining third quarter, 195-Tun-year period completing Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred Cycle 2.

  • Enoch adds the last 400 Year Baktun Cycle 13 to bring the Secondary Age Category total to the 5200-Year Great Cycle mark with 5200 l/s-years.

  • Venus Rounds develop following 13 cycles of the Greek Octareous 8-solar-year pattern known to Mesoamerican culture.

  • Two Venus Round variations are the Jewish 105-Year Venus Round and the Mayan & Egyptian 104-Year Venus Round.

  • Two Venus Rounds of the same type correspond a serial numbered pair with two respective 400 Year Baktun Cycles.

  • Jewish Seth Solar Primary 105-Ethiopic-Year Venus Round 3 Age (Seth S 105-Y VR 3) defines the Solar-Side template that divides Lunar/Solar Adam 800-Year Generation Cycle 1, Enos 815-Year Generation Cycle 3, and Mahalaleel 830-Year Generation Cycle 5.

  • A Mayan 5200-year Great Cycle aptly describes 5200 l/s-years in the Secondary Age Category to end the ancestral chain of seven Antediluvian Patriarchs.

  • Spirituality of Enoch alludes to the fleshly and mortal phase of his life during Enoch Primary 65-Tun-year Age.

  • Enoch's Walk with God during his Secondary 300-Tun-year Age signifies an all-important transformation process Jewish sages have articulated.

  • The righteous Metatron has angelic overtones throughout literature that include three translated works of Enoch.

  • Six-days exceeding 354 day-lunar-years embody 360-day (Tun) midpoint lengths to hold prime virtue for Ethiopian calendar arithmetic.

  • Four-days beyond 360-days per year separately align with four quarters.

  • Men are advised to exclude one and one-quarter leap day fraction every year from regular computations.

  • The Ethiopic (Enochian) 364 Day & Year unity calendar blends 364 day-Ethiopic-years and 364 year-Ethiopic-cycles using spiritually acquired numerical matching.

  • All 800-Year Generation Cycles 1-6 multiply by a remaining one and one-quarter leap day fraction to get 1,000-days.

  • Producing 1,000 Days & Years evidences the strong mirroring effect between heaven and earth, as mentioned by New Testament scripture (II Peter 3:8).

  • Enoch Secondary 300-Year Age advances the 300 Day & Year single term to finish 365 Day & Year solar-cycles.

  • A 364 Day & Year single term reinforces Ethiopian symbolism to adapt Egyptian 365 Day & Year Sothic Cycle cascaded time concepts.

  • Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible? seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Holy_of_Holies ministry. Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years. Ages_of_Adam is a free read at timeemits.

    tags summary, list, timeemits, ages, Adam, holy, katun, baktun, Maya, Jewish, Hebrew, calendar, time, lunar, solar, primary, secondary

    Clark Nelson is webmaster for, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Copyright 2022  Clark Nelson and All Rights Reserved.