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Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-Sacred-Year Age derives from doubling Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age. Cainan completes Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 using Jewish 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles and 364 day-Ethiopic--years. The Jewish version of Cainan Primary Age differs slightly from the Mayan and Egyptian version. Second Solar-Side time split Cainan is the third generation following Adam.

Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-Sacred-Year Age

Genesis 5:12
"And Cainan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalaleel:"


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Age of Adam to 180-Tzolken-Sacred-Years









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Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-Sacred-Year Age

Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age calculates by advancing Solar-Side separation time from Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age. The transition pattern from Adam to Seth derives Cainan second Solar-Side time split according to Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds. Cainan continues Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 from Seth first Solar-Side time split. Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age (S 105-Y VR 3) develops Cainan Primary Age. The Antediluvian Calendar couples Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 with the Lunar/Solar 360-year-Tun-cycle.

Solar-Side separations by Seth and Cainan build Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 independently of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 started by Adam. Jewish Solar-Side Seth and Cainan count in 364-day-Ethiopic-years. Seth and Cainan conversely exchange equal units to make a 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle using 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. The Lunar/Solar 260-year Tzolken-sacred-cycle that includes Adam, Enos and Mahalaleel applies 360-day-Tun-years. Their equivalent a 360-year-Tun-cycle using 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years also exchanges units. Enos quarters Primary Age Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 with 90-Tzolken-sacred-years. Cainan next quarters the Primary Age Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 with 70-Tzolken-sacred-years. Consistent 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years are required at specific steps to maintain the proper sequence.

The Mayan and Egyptian version differs slightly from the canonical Jewish version of the Genesis 5 Antediluvian Calendar. Day & Year numerical matching concepts are similar. Treatments for the 360 day-Tun-year and the 360 year-Tun-cycle follow identical halving and quartering provisions. The 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-year and 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle also follow halving and quartering provisions. Character Primary Ages align in alternating fashion with Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 and companion Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2. The main difference is how to calculate the special holiday period beyond 360-days every year. Mayan and Egyptian methods always use customary 365 day-solar-years. Mayan and Egyptian 52-year Calendar Rounds fundamentally count 18,980-days. Conversion to 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years is accomplished through division and 73-Tzolken-sacred-years result. Mayan and Egyptian Solar-Side 104-Year Venus Rounds equal two 52-year Calendar Rounds. For every 400-Year Baktun Cycle, there are 208-years of lunar/solar separation time. Half of 208-years becomes the 104-year Solar-Side time split. Planet Venus completes a circuit in 8-solar-years, mapping out a five pointed star against a starry background. Ancient people counted this Venus motion 13 times in regard to a 104-Year Venus Round. Venus starlight and solar-side time split both align with 365 day-solar-years. Synchronizing 400-Year Baktun Cycles with 104-Year Venus Rounds was an objective of their descendants; to create an accurate lunar/solar calendar. Our Genesis 5 ages listing is the only remnant information we have today. The Antediluvian Calendar started by Adam is the archaic timekeeping record of long ago.

Image Figure List

Primary Ages Time Stream Jewish Solar 105-Year Venus Rounds: Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age Figure 1, book Figure 53
Solar-Side Seth to Cainan Calendar Tree Figure 2, book Figure 54
Venus Round Flow Seth 1200-l/s-years Figure 3, book Figure 55
Venus Round Flow Seth 1600-l/s-years Figure 4, book Figure 56
Venus Round Flow Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 5, book Figure 57
364-Tzolken-Sacred-Year_Cycle_Figure_6, book Figure 58  Move or delete text, Save this header for 364 Tzolken-Sacred-Year Cycle
Venus Round Flow Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 7, book Figure 59
Venus Round Flow Enos 2800-l/s-years Figure 8, book Figure 60
Venus Round Flow Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 9, book Figure 61
Venus Round Flow Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 10, book Figure 62
Seth S 105-Year VR 3-4 + Enos S 105-Y VR 5-6 to Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 Figure 11, book Figure 63

old images
Five Jewish 105-Ethiopic-Year Venus Rounds: Adam, Seth, plus active red Cainan Figure 2
Five 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles: Seth plus Cainan: First to Second Solar-Side Time Splits 260-year Tzolken-sacred-cycle Figure 15
Five 105-Y Venus Rounds: Seth, Enos plus active red Cainan: Second Solar-Side 260-year Tzolken-sacred-cycle Figure 16
Double Seth Calendar Tree Figure 17
Mayan & Egyptian Cainan Second Time Split 5 x 73-Tsy Calendar Rounds Figure 20
Jewish Cainan Second Time Split 5 x 70-Tsy Jubilee Cycles Figure 21

Primary Ages Time Stream Jewish Solar 105-Year Venus Round Figure 1



Primary Ages Time Stream Jewish S 105-Y VR Figure 1

Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age calculates by advancing Solar-Side separation time from Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age. The transition pattern from Adam to Seth derives Cainan second Solar-Side time split according to Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds. Cainan continues Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 from Seth first Solar-Side time split. Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age (S 105-Y VR 3) develops Cainan Primary Age. The Antediluvian Calendar couples Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 with the Lunar/Solar 360-year-Tun-cycle.

Solar-Side separations by Seth and Cainan build Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 independently of Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 started by Adam. Jewish Solar-Side Seth and Cainan count in 364-day-Ethiopic-years. Seth and Cainan conversely exchange equal units to make a 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle using 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. The Lunar/Solar 260-year Tzolken-sacred-cycle that includes Adam, Enos and Mahalaleel applies 360-day-Tun-years. Their equivalent a 360-year-Tun-cycle using 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years also exchanges units. Enos quarters Primary Age Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 with 90-Tzolken-sacred-years. Cainan next quarters the Primary Age Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 with 70-Tzolken-sacred-years. Consistent 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years are required at specific steps to maintain the proper sequence.

The Mayan and Egyptian version differs slightly from the canonical Jewish version of the Genesis 5 Antediluvian Calendar. Day & Year numerical matching concepts are similar. Treatments for the 360 day-Tun-year and the 360 year-Tun-cycle follow identical halving and quartering provisions. The 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-year and 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle also follow halving and quartering provisions. Character Primary Ages align in alternating fashion with Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 and companion Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2. The main difference is how to calculate the special holiday period beyond 360-days every year. Mayan and Egyptian methods always use customary 365 day-solar-years. Mayan and Egyptian 52-year Calendar Rounds fundamentally count 18,980-days. Conversion to 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years is accomplished through division and 73-Tzolken-sacred-years result. Mayan and Egyptian Solar-Side 104-Year Venus Rounds equal two 52-year Calendar Rounds. For every 400-Year Baktun Cycle, there are 208-years of lunar/solar separation time. Half of 208-years becomes the 104-year Solar-Side time split. Planet Venus completes a circuit in 8-solar-years, mapping out a five pointed star against a starry background. Ancient people counted this Venus motion 13 times in regard to a 104-Year Venus Round. Venus starlight and solar-side time split both align with 365 day-solar-years. Synchronizing 400-Year Baktun Cycles with 104-Year Venus Rounds was an objective of their descendants; to create an accurate lunar/solar calendar. Our Genesis 5 ages listing is the only remnant information we have today. The Antediluvian Calendar started by Adam is the archaic timekeeping record of long ago.

Jewish 364-day-Ethiopic-years supplant regular Mayan & Egyptian 365 day-solar-years in Solar-Side Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 Age (S 105-Y VR 3). Jewish 364 day-Ethiopic-years differ by exalting the final, 365th-day as Holy for numerical matching purposes. Jewish hallmark 364 year-Ethiopic-cycles directly convert to Solar-Side 260-Ethiopic-year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles. A crucial point is borne by the Antediluvian Calendar. All Solar-Side time splits affirm Jewish 364 day-Ethiopic-years. The ancient theme of X Day & Year numerical matching must be included to resolve these ages.

Jewish Solar-Solar 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds are the canonical way to arrive at the given Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age. Jewish S 105-Y Venus Rounds (S 105-Y VR) replace all Mayan & Egyptian S 104-Y Venus Rounds (S 104-Year VR) with minor variations in the Calendar Tree Figures. Venus Round labels point to this alteration beginning with Jewish Seth S 105-Y VR 3. Seth S 105-Y VR 3 replaces Mayan & Egyptian Seth S 104-Y VR 3 to indicate three components that make Jewish Solar 105-year Venus Rounds. Two Jewish 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles, plus a holiday 5-Ethiopic-years tag add together in each Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round. Three diagonal lines in Seth Calendar Tree Figure 1 replace previous Mayan & Egyptian "V" shaped 52-Y Calendar Round models.

Seth S 105-Y VR 3 and Seth S 105-Y VR 4 represent Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 status, after Seth Midpoint 1200-l/s-year Age, until Seth S 105-Y VR 4 ends at 1600-l/s-years in the Secondary Age Category total. Two 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles show as two red 50-Y entries. For each Seth S 105-Y VR 3-4, 5-Y indicates the holiday 5-Ethiopic-year tag appended within every Jewish S 105-Y Venus Round. Directly below Seth S 105-Y VR 3 and Seth S 105-Y VR 4 sets are three diagonal lines feeding down in sum. Two separate Solar-Side 105 Day & Year notes emphasize final Day & Year numerical matching. Every 364 day-Ethiopic-year matches a sovereign 364 year-Ethiopic-cycle.

Solar-Side Seth to Cainan Calendar Tree Figure 2



Solar-Side Seth to Cainan Calendar Tree Figure 2

Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 determines the lower Solar 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycle for Cainan through subtraction. Two 105 Day & Year pieces join Seth S 105-Y VR 3 and Seth S 105-Y VR 4 together at the fork, making 210-Ethiopic-years. From 260-Ethiopic-years, 210-Ethiopic-years subtract to answer one Solar-Side 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycle. Seth Secondary 807-Year Generation Cycle 2 Age divides into Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7 and Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 8. Primary Age substitution permits Seth S 105-Y VR 3 and Seth S 105-Y VR 4 to suffice, leaving converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age. Necessary conversion returns Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age back to his given Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred year Age. Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 is complete.

Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred year Age compares with Mayan & Egyptian Cainan, where the same procedure results in Cainan Primary 73-Tzolken-sacred-years Age. Bible authenticity is not disparaged by suggesting Mayan & Egyptian 52-Year Calendar Rounds and Jewish 50-Year Jubilee Cycles have the same Venus Round root. Hebrew Sabbath 7-year-weeks were indeed part of 105-Year Venus Round arrangements, whether they meant 105-Ethiopic-years or 105-solar-years. Cainan Midpoint Age is the fulcrum for the remaining Antediluvian Calendar to progress. The same Solar-Side procedure as that used for Mayan & Egyptian 1/2 Cainan S 104-Y VR 7 begins the Venus Round Flow series of pie charts illustrating Jewish Cainan S 104-Y VR 7. Venus Round Flow Red Active Seth 800-1200-l/s-years Figure 3 illustrates four different 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles attributable to Seth. The Jewish version of the Antediluvian Calendar altogether counts 210-years of a Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle. Cainan is the next Solar-Side Patriarch, which in the Jewish version, answers for a single Primary Age 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycle. Active red Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 3 and inactive blue Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 4 evidence Seth status prior to Seth Midpoint 1200-l/s-year Age Level. Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds stipulate two 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles must both finish before the adjoining 5-Ethiopic-year tag, or its 7-Tzolken-sacred-year twin, can be included. Unlike Mayan & Egyptian 104-solar-year Venus Rounds that evenly divide by two, Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds cannot divide by two. The closest possible choice inserts an approximation symbol using a small tilde (~) sign. The approximation tilde below describes lower gray ~ 1/2 Cainan S 105-Y VR 7. A final terminal 5-Ethiopic-year tag adds with two 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles to make the whole Jewish 105-Ethiopic-Year Venus Round. Cainan Primary Age remains gray prior to initiating active red Seth 400-year Baktun Cycle 4.

Seth is First Solar-Side Time Split

Venus Round Flow Red Active Seth 800-1200-l/s-years Figure 3
260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1



Venus Round Flow Red Active Seth 800-1200-l/s-years Figure 3
Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1

The Jewish version of Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 shown below emphasizes scriptural Cainan
Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred year Age. Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 still divides into five equal parts. Jewish 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles are represented again with pie sectors. Instead of assigning 73-Tzolken-sacred-years per 52-Year Calendar Round, 364 day-Ethiopic-years convert each Jewish 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles to 70-Tzolken-sacred-years. A Jewish 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycle multiplies by 364-day-Ethiopic-years to equal 18,200-days. In comparison, Mayan & Egyptian 52-Year Calendar Rounds have 18,980-days. The 780-day difference is found through subtraction. Mayan & Egyptian 52-Year Calendar Rounds having 18,980-days exceed 18,200-day Jewish 50-Year Jubilee Cycles by 780-days. Dividing 780-days by 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years reveals a meaningful difference between the two very different periods. Three 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years are required for every Jewish 50-Year Jubilee Cycle to reach one Mayan & Egyptian 52-Year Calendar Cycle. Expanded reasoning doubles these day counts for Venus Round comparison.

Day counts for both Mayan & Egyptian S 104-Y VR and Jewish S 105-Y VR enable closer comparison of the two different types of Venus Rounds. Mayan & Egyptian 104-year Venus Rounds utilize 365 day-solar-years. Multiplying 104-solar-years x 365 day-solar-years equals 37,960-days per 104-year Venus Round. Total days per Mayan & Egyptian 104-solar-year Venus Rounds likewise equal 146-Tzolken-sacred-years x 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years. An entire Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round on the other hand, multiplies by 364 day-Ethiopic-years to get 38,220-days. Two Jewish 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles are 100-Ethiopic-years, which multiply by 364-day-Ethiopic-years to get 36,400-days. The last 5-Ethiopic-years multiply again by 364-day-Ethiopic-years to equal 1820-days. A Jewish S 105-Year VR contains 147-Tzolken-sacred-years and the Mayan & Egyptian S 104-Y VR contains 146-Tzolken-sacred-years. The day count difference between a Mayan & Egyptian S 104-Y VR and Jewish S 105-Y VR can be found by subtraction. Jewish 38,220-days per 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round minus Mayan & Egyptian 37,960-days per 104-solar-year Venus Round is exactly one 260day-Tzolken-sacred-year. Mathematical relationships between between a Solar-Side Jewish S 105-Y VR and the Solar-Side Mayan & Egyptian S 104-Y VR have great bearing upon whole Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1-2 and indeed, supporting numerical matching concepts. Further principles allow manipulation of these time periods and properties.

Jewish Seth 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 3 includes two red pie slices containing 50-Ethiopic years per Jubilee Cycle (Figure 45). Seth S 105-Y VR 3 totals 100-Ethiopic-years together and one 5-Ethiopic-year tag remains outstanding. Following Seth Midpoint Age, Seth 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round 4 identically totals for 100-Ethiopic-years in Seth S 105-Y VR 4. Seth 100-Ethiopic-years here leave another 5-Ethiopic-year tag pending. Seth 400-Year Baktun Cycle 4 adds the next 400-l/s-year step to the Secondary Age Category total. Seth Secondary 807-Year Generation Cycle 2 Age results in combining four Primary Age 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles, plus 10-Ethiopic-years of Solar-Side time split.

Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1



Venus Round Flow Red Active Seth 800-1600-l/s-years Figure 4
Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1

Figuring the number of days per Jewish S 105-Y Venus Round reviews a two-step process in the full Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 pictured below. Seth S 105-Y VR 3 first admits 100-Ethiopic-years for 36,400-days. The last 5-Ethiopic-year tag separately adds 1820-days more to sum 38,220-days. Seth S 105-Y VR 4 reiterates the same two-step process by choosing to separately include 1820-days. Simplifying multiplication into two-steps conveniently isolates two holiday 5-Ethiopic-year tags or two 7-Tzolken-sacred-year periods. Cainan S 105 VR 7 cannot finish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 until Cainan 400-Y Baktun-Cycle 7 has fully expired. Both 5-Ethiopic-years and 7-Tzolken-sacred-years are prime numbers, regardless of the units, and indivisible by two. Hence, 1/2 Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 carries the tilde approximation sign forward.

Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 completes in the Venus Round Flow Figure 4 below to parenthetically suggest the first 1/2 Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 passing. Figure 4 identifies Venus Round placements for the first pass, Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Layered Solar-Side units change from Seth Primary 105-Ethiopic-Year Age to Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age due to a new Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 starting. Cainan's given Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age converts to the equivalent 50-Ethiopic-year counterpart. Cainan adds one 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycle more to Seth's previous 210-Ethiopic-years of Solar-Side time split in order to finish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1.

Cainan is Second Solar-Side Time Split

Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2400-2800-l/s-years Figure 5
260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1



Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2400-2800-l/s-years Figure 5
Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1



364-Tzolken-Sacred-Year Cycle Figure 6
Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1

Second pass, Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 marks Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7 completion in the Secondary Age Category. Primary Age second half 2/2 Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 also completes by adding his second 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycle. Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 is eligible to augment his two 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilees Cycles, taken together as a unit, for both Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2. Cainan's last 5-Ethiopic-year holiday tag becomes the cap for Cainan S 105-Y VR 7. Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age records for the approximate first half of Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycle 7. A second Cainan 70-Tzolken-sacred-year segment likewise converts from his second 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycle. Cainan's seventh holiday 5-Ethiopic-year tag appears like an afterthought, increasing an undisclosed Secondary Age from 30-Ethiopic-years to 35-Ethiopic-years ending Cainan Midpoint 2800-ls-years.

Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 are diagnostic vehicles designed to ascertain important Primary Age positions. Converted Cainan Primary 50-Ethiopic-year Age supplies one-fourth of Seth's four individual Solar-Side 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles. Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 divides into four quarters in agreement to attain converted Enos Primay 65-Tun-year Age. Adam S 105-Y VR 1 and Adam S 105-Y VR 2 enable the first two 130-Tun-year halves of Adam Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle. Our numbered Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 can potentially be called the second Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle after Adam according to this Lunar/Solar order. Adam Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle establishes a different precedent that makes contracting Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 much more cumbersome. Adam Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle was selected to independently address his specific Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle

Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2



Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 7
Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2

Jewish Lunar/Solar Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1-2 Figure 8 below includes Adam S 105-Y VR 1 and Adam S 105-Y VR 2. Seth S 105-Y VR 3 and Seth S 105-Y VR 4 are showing the same active red color. Dual Venus Round Flow for Green Active Enos gives the Lunar/Solar result for Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 5, which generates Enos 105-Year Venus Round 5 (Enos S 105-Y VR 5). The Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round version of Figure 8 compares with Mayan & Egyptian 104-solar-year Calendar Rounds in Figure 46 above. Jewish Adam S 105-Y VR 1 and Adam S 105-Y VR 2 replace the pair, Mayan & Egyptian Adam S 104-Y VR 1 and Adam S 104-Y VR 2. Jewish Seth S 105-Y VR 3-4 also replaces Mayan & Egyptian Seth S 104-Y VR 3-4. Finally, lower sector Jewish Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 replaces Mayan & Egyptian Cainan S 104-Y VR 7. The outcome produces both a Lunar/Solar result involving Enos S 105-Y VR 5 and a Solar-Side result for Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 (Figure 9). Enos S 105-Y VR 5 is a whole unit containing two Lunar/Solar 50-Ethiopic-Year Jubilee Cycles, plus the holiday 5-Ethiopic-year tagEnos S 105-Y VR 5 representation requires 520-Years using two Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles. Approximating ~ 1/2 Enos S 105-Y VR 5 continues to divide Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 into 65-Tun-year fourths. Another Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle necessitates converted Enos Primary 65-Tun-Year Age be recorded in original Genesis 5 format: Enos Primary 90-Tzolken-sacred-years Age. The complete Enos 400-Year Baktun Cycle 5 must spread across the double, Lunar/Solar Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 Figure 8.

Venus Round Flow Green Active Enos 2800-l/s-years Figure 8
b>Lunar/Solar Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2



Venus Round Flow Green Active Enos 2800-l/s-years Figure 8
Lunar/Solar Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2

Jewish 364 day-Ethiopic-years supplant ordinary Mayan & Egyptian 365 day-solar-years for all Primary Ages, Lunar/Solar and Solar-Side. Adam Primary 130-Tun-year Age is the first Lunar/Solar character to evidence numerical matching for 130 Days & Years. All Lunar/Solar 360 day-Tun-years leave about 5.25-days every year unaccounted per 365.25 day-solar-year. Leap Day fractions round off here in ancient style to one-quarter Leap Day per 365 day-solar-year. A 1 Day & Year numerical match transfers to a 1.25 Day & Year single term threshold.
Four Royal Archangel Days of 5-holidays remaining were omitted from regular 360 day-Tun-year computations. The final 365th-holiday is set apart for worship. And the terminal 1/4 Leap Day fraction takes a life of its own as chief divisor for all matters. The 1/4 Day & Year is another single term arrangement that subscribes to the X Day & Year concept.

Every 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-year exactly fits Mayan Calendar framework by relinquishing 104-days within every 364-day-Ethiopic-year. An expression of single day unity multiplies 104-days per 364 day Ethiopic-year by 1.25-days per 365.25 day-solar-year to provide 130-days in Adam's case. Each Lunar/Solar 260 Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle can leave 104-Tun-years  to multiply by 1.25-days per 365.25 day-solar-year to likewise get Adam Primary 130-Day Age. Jewish Solar-Side 260-Ethiopic-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles can multiply 104-Ethiopic-years remaining, as in the Venus Round circumstance, by 1.25-days per 365.25 day-solar-year to again get Adam Primary 130-Day Age. Mayan & Egyptian Solar-Side 260-solar-year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles can otherwise double for two episodes, or 520-solar-year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2, and multiply by 0.25 Leap Days per solar-year. Adam still expresses 130 Leap Days in the same vein. Leap Day computations are a necessary component in the multiple 400-Year Baktun Cycle and accompanying Venus Round association. Multiplication of any year length by days or vice-versa is an attempt to appease the gods above. Ancestors inferred all heavenly time is cyclic instead of a linear gradient. 

Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 9
Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2



Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 9
Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2

Mayan and Egyptian Cainan Primary 73-Tzolken-sacred-year Age uses a series of Venus Round Flow images to help visualize progressive 52-Year Calendar Rounds. Calendar Tools such as Mayan and Egyptian 104-solar-year Venus Rounds and Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds enable one to visualize subdivisions. Comparative Cainan Primary Ages are precisely defined using 5 part Solar-Side Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2. Mayan and Egyptian version answers a full 52-year Calendar Round, respecting 365 day-solar-years. Converting 18,980-days in the first Cainan 52-year Calendar Round results in 1/2 Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 or 73-Tzolken-sacred-years of 260-days each. Mayan and Egyptian 104-year Venus Rounds lasting 37,960-days also convert for 146-Tzolken-sacred-years. Multiple Venus Round Flow images help clarify the importance of Solar-Side reckoning involving 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2. Solar-side Seth, Cainan and Jared characters reveal ancient brilliance in methodology and the sustained ability to pass down lunar/solar calendar information. Venus continues to earmark calendar history with uniform, stable motion in spite of earlier godhead stature.

Jewish Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age is attained following Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1. Cainan Primary 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Age bases upon 364-day-Ethiopic-years, with special 4-holiday periods isolated from regular Lunar/Solar 360 day-Tun-year. Calculating 100-Ethiopic-years for two 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles amounts 36,400-days. Another 5-Ethiopic-years adds 1820-days more to the Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round. Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Rounds have 38,220-days. The difference between a Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round (38,220-days) and the Mayan and Egyptian 104-year Venus Round (37,960-days) is easily found by subtraction. Mayan and Egyptian 104-year Venus Round subtracts 37,960-days from 38,220-days in the Jewish 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round to reveal 260-days difference between the two types of Venus Rounds. Three each 260 day-Tzolken-sacred-years outstanding are evenly distributed in the Jewish version between Seth Solar 105-Year Venus Round 3 (Seth S 105-Y VR 3) and Seth Solar 105-Year Venus Round 4 (Seth S105-Y VR 4) in Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 (Figure 5). Cainan ~ 1/2 S 105 VR 7 applies an approximation ~ symbol to underscore that
Jewish Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 2 (Figure 6) must happen in order to fully evaluate Cainan S 105 VR 7 and furthermore, Solar-Side effects of Cainan 400-Y Baktun Cycle 7.

Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2



Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 10
Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2

Venus Round Flow Red Active Cainan 2800-l/s-years Figure 10 depicts the whole Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 output at the end of the second of two, Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 . Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 serve a relatively straight forward binary system. We are already familiar with 365 day-solar-years and their use within Mayan & Egyptian 52-Calendar Rounds. The focus presented rests with Solar-Side placement of 70-Tzolken-sacred-years serving dual function within 50-Ethiopic-year Jubileee Cycles. Expanding five 70-Tzolken-sacred-year Jubilee Cycles, plus 14-Tzolken-sacred-years amounts to the 364-Tzolken-sacred-year cycle which equals the Solar-Side 260-Ethiopic-year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle. Five equal parts of a Mayan & Egyptian 365-Tzolken-sacred-year-cycle are shown in Mayan_&_Egyptian_Cainan_Primary 73-Tzolken-sacred-year_Age. Five Mayan & Egyptian 52-year Calendar Rounds are replaced by 73-Tzolken-sacred-years having 260-days each. There are 73-Tzolken-sacred-years per 52-year Calendar Round in the dual numbering system.

Seth S 105-Year VR 3-4 + Enos S 105-Y VR 5-6 to Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 Figure 11
Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2



Seth S 105-Year VR 3-4 + Enos S 105-Y VR 5-6 to Cainan S 105-Y VR 7 Figure 11
Solar-Side Interface 520-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2

Paramount to using 364 day-Ethiopic-year in place of 365 day-solar-years is the ability to isolate the last four of five special holidays. These Four Royal Days together enable a unit, complete unto themselves, as Ethiopian archangel ministering stars. They preside over each 90-day-quarter of the 360 day-Tun-year. In this regard, two Jewish 50-Year Jubilee Cycles may multiply by 4-days for either Adam or Seth. Adam's 100-Ethiopic-years multiply by 4-holidays to equal 400-holidays. Seth follows with 100-Ethiopic-years that multiply by 4-holidays to equal 400-holidays. Numerical matching concepts are deeply entrenched throughout the Antediluvian Calendar. Jewish 400-Year Baktun Cycles that deliver Jewish Solar 105-Year Venus Rounds (S 105-Y VR) segment a final 400-day period. Numerically matching  400 Days & Years forms a single term that directly embodies 364-day-Ethiopic-years. Adam 400-Year Baktun Cycle 1 begins a Secondary Age sequence that lends itself to a modified descriptor label. Adam 400-Day & Year Baktun Cycle 1 is appropriate to convey latent meaning from Jewish Solar 105-Year Venus Rounds. Adam 800-Year Generation Cycle 1, in fact becomes Adam 800 Day & Year Generation Cycle 1 when all attributes of 364 day-Ethiopic-years are included.

The Genesis 5 Antediluvian Calendar has two Time Stream pathways. A Primary Age Category Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 measures Adam, Enos and Mahalaleel in genealogical order. Complimentary Primary Age Category Solar-Side 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycles 1-2 measure the alternating lineage of Seth, Cainan and Jared. Lunar/Solar 260-Year Tzolken-Sacred-Cycle 1 counts according to basic 360 day-Tun-years, the center-line between lunar and solar years. A crucial point is borne by the Antediluvian Calendar. Solar-Side time splits by Seth, Cainan and Jared are detailed using Jewish 364 day-Ethiopic-years. The ancient style of X Day & Year numerical matching must be included to resolve Seth's first, Cainan's second and Jared's third Solar-Side time split ages. Every 364 day-Ethiopic-Year isolates special holidays beyond 360 day-Tun-years. Day & Year numerical matching takes place, so that normal 365 day-solar-years reserve their last 5-days as holy. A 365 solar-year-cycle exists to esteem the last 5-years with a unique 5-Ethiopic-Year tag. Every Jewish Solar 105-Ethiopic-year Venus Round includes two 50-Ethiopic-year Jubilee Cycles, plus the holiday 5-Ethiopic-Year tag. Consecutive 5-Ethiopic-Year tags accrue to provide measured Venus Rounds noted in the character Secondary Age Category. Cainan Secondary 840-year Generation Cycle 4 Age includes 40-Ethiopic-years, which represent 8 Venus Rounds x 5-Ethiopic-year tags. Eight 105-Ethiopic-Year Venus Rounds are cumulative when Cainan 400-Year Baktun Cycles 7-8 finish.

 ---Stop Book here

Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy BibleTimeemits seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Ages_of_Adam ministry.  Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time.  Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years.  Ages_of_Adam is a free read at timeemits.

tags primary, sacred, Cainan, Seth, Adam, Ethiopic, Venus Round, 50-year, Jubilee Cycles, 364-day, Jewish, Mayan, Egyptian, calendars, solar-side, 260, day, year, Tzolken

Clark Nelson is webmaster for http://timeemits.com/Get_More_Time.htm, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Revised Copyright 2016
Clark Nelson and timeemits.com All Rights Reserved.