The little pup tent soon was sopping
wet inside and out. We burrowed into our sleeping bags to
avoid the mosquito onslaught and I tried to sleep. About 2
am, I decided to give up the stinking, muggy tent in favor of
sleeping outside. The rain had subsided and I pulled my damp
sleeping bag from the tent. Our warm campfire was now
smoldering rubble. The ground around me was soaked. I
spread out the remaining wet wood and threw the sleeping bag on
top. I climbed in, pulling the canvas end piece over my
face. Tired and cold, I drifted off to the most traumatic
ghost story of my life.
I was standing on the woods side of the fence facing the graveyard
in the dream. I looked to my left and saw several white
sails moving up and down. They randomly jumped into the air,
maybe 20 feet or more. When they came down, they never quite
touched the ground. I saw one, then many, all dancing up to
the sky in rapid, random order. I had no idea what I was
witnessing. I found the scene most beautiful. Vertical
sheets (
Acts 10:11, Acts 11:5)
oscillated up and down against a silhouette outline of the orange
grove across the way. Above the neatly ordered rows of
tombstones, these sail-shapes seemed large, white to gray in color
and two-dimensional. Sometimes they hovered individually
above the grave. I looked across the cemetery and to the
left. I saw hundreds. They would remind you of a
lightly winded boat sail. I was seeing undulating, vertical
squares or rectangles on edge.
I had a joyous feeling watching them. They seemed oblivious
to me and I became mesmerized. I could not, at any time
during this dream move my head, or field of view, toward the right
side. I was only able to look left and back toward
center. The whitish sails dropped sometimes near the ground,
budging horizontally in pulsating, staccato movements. An
irony presented itself. Where I could not turn my dreaming
head toward the right side, I could not see any of them moving to
the left side. Only in short, bursting successive steps did
they move right. They never bumped into one another.
They never went through one another. As I peered over the
fence in the dream, I began to crouch down in fear. I knew
that any might become aware of me watching. The spectacle
continued to unfold before me. I finally turned my head to
the right in the dream. Just as I saw the small storage
shack, I awoke.
I reflected on the dream for an hour or more. I had seen
something marvelous and very rare. Ideas of ghosts never
entered my conscious thoughts. It was like seeing a strange
animal for the first time. Surprised, amazed and a bit
afraid, this dream would lay foundations in my religious
life. I fell back to sleep.

The Brotherhood begins an
autobiographical series of dream accounts pertaining to my
personal side of advanced calendar study. Calendar cycles
often extend beyond the duration of our mortal
lives. Dreams told by testimony reflect the nature
of our sprit and soul. The Bible and church teach the
afterlife. Faith in the Holy Ghost is the supernatural.
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The next morning I was still laying on the woodpile when I
awoke. G. and K. soon were awake and we made coffee.
While G. packed away camp, K. and I headed for the water faucet to
wash up. I remember walking up to the fence and suddenly the
entire dream came flooding back to me. Apprehensive about
telling the dream, K. and I proceeded to wash the pans and
utensils in silence. I then decided to talk about my
dream. I began to speak and told K. what I had seen.
About midway through the fourth sentence, K. straightened from the
pan he was washing. His eyes grew to the size of saucers and
he exclaimed in a loud voice, “My
God, don’t say that, Man! You are freaking
me out!” Startled at his reaction, I stopped abruptly.
He said more quietly, “My church teaches that stuff.” With a
meek, trembling voice, I replied. “Well, what church do you
go to?” He answered, “Church of
God.” I knew I was about to start Lutheran
confirmation classes. I never spoke about this experience
with K. again, nor did I mention it during any confirmation
classes. On those rare occasions when I did choose to tell
this story, I usually became the target of obvious scrutiny and
ridicule. Scorn is the fate endured by
God’s witness.
Much of the original golf course is developed. A church
bearing the name of the former union brotherhood now stands upon
the property. May the interred brothers always Rest In
Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the
Holy Bible? seeks anointed people to review and contribute to
Ages_of_Adam ministry.
Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars
provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient
calendars of the
Holy Bible
use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a
364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with
X-number of years.
is a free read at timeemits.
tags Brothers, sprit, soul, ghost, graveyard, golf, camp, church,
testimony, dream, timeemits, Bible, Genesis
Clark Nelson is webmaster for,
author of
and sequel,
Revised Copyright 2013 Clark Nelson and
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