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Testimony articles include some material published in my preliminary work. Later articles mingle personal views with calendar research milestones. References are mentioned in regard to supplementing the body of work. Continuous revisions and suitable images have been added to web list and pdfs to capture the essence of testimony articles.

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NEW* Tower_View  A ghostly image from long age manifests above stairs in a round castle tower. Four altar boys and I had witnessed something extraordinary. This example cites spirit as a group conscious. The Savior was the central magnetic personality that drew unclean spiritually away from believers. I am the only one left to give testimony.

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Early_Research_and_the_Supernatural Early Research and the Supernatural was originally published in my first book about ancient calendars. Partial content appears in Ages_of_Adam. The testimony article includes minor contextual editing. The bookstore incident marked a life change I struggled to wholly understand. Little did I know then what I had tapped into.
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Everlasting_Intent Everlasting Intent conceptualizes a spiritual portrait from ancient calendar patterns toward modern times. Calendars form an invisible liquid energy conduit represented by two separate dreaming visions. Glowing time feeds down from ancient brown mountains in distant history to become a faint yellowish tube resulting in purification. Intangible time flows forward and outwardly from a central core. Two visionary subtitles with images previously in testimony, revised.

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The Brotherhood begins an autobiographical series of dream accounts pertaining to my personal side of advanced calendar study. Calendar cycles often extend beyond the duration of our mortal lives.  Dreams told by testimony reflect the nature of our spirit and soul. The Bible and church teach the afterlife. Faith in the Holy Ghost is the supernatural.

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Christmas Story is a spiritual dream that takes place at a normally vacant, outdoor Christmas tree lot. The Bible teaches God is spirit. We all have spirit that can link with emotions. Autumn leads to a holiday time of year that celebrates the birth of our risen Savior. It is a time for giving and refreshment through abiding faith in a living God.

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Red Truck Red truck tells a dream story that will open new doors for readers. His new red pickup truck and only daughter graduating high school are emotional peaks for this single father. Such a joyful experience was the climax of the man’s entire life -- his idea of heaven.

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Holy_Communion depicts a dreaming sequence from a different point of view. Teaching spiritual leadership transcends language skills and physical comfort. Gaps between the Lord’s blood and body, spirit and flesh and the leader to his flock are all channels for the Holy Spirit to flow. These are the benefits of doing calendar research.

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Jade_Ring tells a dreaming story that profoundly affected my spirituality. A sailor owned a rather large silver ring. Decorating the ring was a fingernail size, green jade stone. Crew mates brought him ashore and placed him in a shallow cave. He always wore the Jade Ring.

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Spinning Dreams exposes a common impression or pattern in dreams. Spirit and soul meanings are usually interchangeable in spirituality discussion. In this work, I attempt to define them as two different elements of the human psyche. Calendars are the metric we use from birth to death to measure time.

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Crossing Moment Crossing Moment expands my preliminary dream scenarios to include time immediately before and after passing. I give praise to the higher authority for messages in dreams. Everyone can follow the path established by Old Testament characters. Once inside, the now vertical soul casts a reddish hue that continues to mark the spirit vehicle.

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Golf Ball Prophetic Vision Prophecy and visions convey an enormous moral obligation.Our future trek may outline spiritual answers personally or publicly. Individuals need to avoid hazards ahead. Larger groups require preparation and commitment from leadership. Divination powers united with time, trivial or ultimate, may be no larger than a golf ball.

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Measuring Value compares marketplace intangibles with the business end of organized religion. Site and church popularity are indicators for accurate ideas. The most amazing component in nearly every deep chronology is the one offered by, and interpreted from, the Holy Bible. We can measure hits, but ideas are impossible to appraise.

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Happy-New-Year40pcb.jpg New Perspective introduces a testimony area most relevant to personal experience. Calendars of Creation was my first work. I began this section to explain why and how I chose to do ancient calendar research of the Holy Bible. Ancient people had good reason to worship God and time as one. I discovered and took the same path

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Water Tower combines paranormal activity with discussion concerning ancient theology. I learned two important lessons as the experience unfolded. Association with ancient religious studies coupled with calendar investigation heightened my sensitivity to things unseen.

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Incident at the Morgue My dream reveals figures in a dimly lit room. An eerie silence surrounded us. Ghostly shapes were veiled as white silhouettes, similar to being covered by white sheets on a moonlit night. I was dismantling the switch when I recalled the dream in full detail. Events that unravel first in a dream to precede the actual sequence throw a large wrench into the machinery of ordinary science.

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Research Summation Advances Faith reinforces testimony through historical calendar information.  Steps explaining my reasons for doing ancient calendar research of the Holy Bible are included from my earlier work. I divided Research Summation into four articles with updates to reflect later findings.  Ancient people had good reason to worship God and time as one.

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Research Summation Antediluvian Calendar Research Summation is divided into four separate articles with updates that reflect later findings. Research Summation Antediluvian Calendar is part of the testimony conclusion section of my first work, Calendars of Creation. I began this section years ago to explain reasons behind my personal quest.

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Research Summation Procedure Analysis determines a mathematical background with lunar/solar components for the Antediluvian Calendar of Genesis. Procedure Analysis summarizes steps taken to resolve primary and secondary ages for the later Antediluvian Patriarchs from Enos to Jared. The Holy_of_Holies sequel explicitly distills numerical relationships. I mix procedure analysis with personal opinions involving calendar science.

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Research Summation Time Analogies expands perspectives concerning calendar science with fictional examples. The Jewish Calendar marks natural, celestial lunar/solar intersections using continuous time. Time Analogies include an eye of a storm, electricity flowing through a wire and comments about the Holy Spirit. A final synopsis mentions Jewish calendar spirituality in contrast with other solar calendars. The last of four Research Summation articles underscore supernatural calendar traits gained from later findings.

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5 Reasons for Ancient Calendars embraces supernatural, faith, society, history and business. Bible knowledge adds power to prayer. Search box examples show brackets to build spirituality. Scripture references preserve history and request money for business.
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Spirituality_Leads_to_Calendar_Cycles Calendar study to deeper insights of the psyche concerning the paranormal and supernatural. Aspects of spirituality are perceived positive or negative. Sleep allows the mind to find a greater purpose than consciousness. Experiments in long lunar/solar year counts discover the Antediluvian Patriarch chain. A middle position of 360-days and some Judaism help the genealogy and bridge Old and New Testaments.

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Hearing in the Bardos branches to another track of spirituality to resolve special issues. Cameo dreams worth mentioning often include mental dialogue that differs from audible forms of unintentional eavesdropping. Calendar research encompasses multicultural views and some extracurricular reading. Traditional Judeo-Christian adherents rarely venture outside the box. Personal testimony cases may find merit in Tibetan teachings.

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Rings_Vision recalls a dream showing a pink colored ring. I watched and it began to draw closer. While spinning, the ring moved closer, and began to change color. The ring was lifting up, rolling toward vertical to be parallel with a line of sight and still to the right. The ring darkened from pink to crimson red. The ring was becoming larger. The emotional situation of the couple had drawn myself to them in the dream state.

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