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How to Understand Geneses 5 Ages 1 is the first video in the series. Time Splits are defined with their use in resolving the first character ages of Adam and Seth. Some material is drawn from the Time_Splits_Adam_Seth video. Timeemits.com graphic shows Ages of Adam ordering information.

HTU_Gn5_Ages_1_Script 15:57
Understand Genesis 5 Ages 1 Video Series

Timeemits Intro.mp4 0:15

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Hi, my name is Clark Nelson and this is how to understand ages written in Genesis, chapter 5 using ancient calendars. Basic lunar/solar calendar operation really is a simple way to count time. Ages_of_Adam from timeemits is a unique Bible study that develops mental calendar tools. Research extracts calendar fragments and patterns from the early Mayan, Jewish and Egyptian calendars. Adapting these calendar tools enables you to learn about the Begat genealogy ages following Adam. Like an archeologist reassembles pottery shards, you will discover vast time layers written in archaic style. I hope to show you a new spiritual place from the oldest of sources.

Time_Splits_Intro.wmv 2:33 Stand Up
Time_Splits Video explores the time split tool used in Ages_of_Adam and the Holy_of_Holies. A time split divides given times frames by two. Genesis 1:4 says God divided the daylight from darkness. Everything we call solar deals with the sun and daylight. Night time darkness relates to the moon. God is dividing, separating or coming between light and darkness. Lunar phases and Sabbath days mark weekly transitions at night. God is between 7-day Sabbaths that separate visible moonlight and darkness. The complete lunar month returns the sequence to new moon crescent. God refreshes the lunar month after about 29.53-days to make the 12-month lunar year slightly more than 354-days long.

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Ancient people commonly recognized years having only 360-days. Some cultures, such as BCE Egyptian and later Roman empires favored the solar year. They added a 5-day feast period to end the year and celebrate the New Year. Earliest solar worship likely occurred in fixed city-state locations, where Seth Egyptian obelisks and Canaanite Baal standing stones share masculine traits. Stone pillar sightings to the horizon note the equinox and solstice. Fertility rites likewise represent the deity with phallic symbolism. Agricultural rainy seasons determine how well stable populations survive.

Mobile cultures were more nomadic and often classified as hunter-gatherers. They observed according to lunar/solar calendars. Other groups were entirely lunar calendar dependent. Isis had unique affinity with the Moon and Venus. Astarte or Asteroth, was depicted by a pregnant figurine and said to bless neighboring farms and groves. Feminine/masculine/ duality became imbued as goddess or gods with lunar/solar time splits in theme. Please take a moment to study these pictures and gain deeper appreciation for Genesis.

LSTS360.wma Voice Over 2:20
Ancient ideas of God coming between lunar and solar transitions carry forward to longer calendar time cycles. Variable flux lines between lunar and solar sides focus power to yield a time split. We first apply 360-days as an early style year. Lunar/Solar Time Split for 360-Day-Tun-Year diagram balances the dual years. Mayan 360-day-Tun-year terminology lends accepted calendar tools. Adding 5.25-days to the solar-side component better suits Mayan calendar vocabulary used to develop later time splits. Equal reasoning subtracts 5.25-days from the lunar-side component to result in 10.5-days of lunar/solar separation time for any single 360-day-year.

The green triangle Time Split emphasizes that God is between lunar years and solar years. Ten and one-half days of difference every year require intercalary time to keep lunar years on track with solar years. We build time splits to encompass longer time cycles. Lunar and solar years are rigid boundaries of all time. Time splits are the soft inner core. Intercalations and how they are used host the supernatural. Gaps, seams and separations in time make possible divine presence.

Time Splits progress to include the Jewish Calendar 19-year Metonic cycle. The next twentieth solar year modifies the time split diagram. Similar lunar/solar calendars to the later Mayan gave rise to 20-year cycles. Twenty multiples of 20-year-cycles diagram the modified lunar/solar time split. We assemble the time split ramp that lead to Adam and the list of Antediluvian Patriarchs in Genesis 5.

Understand_Genesis_5_Ages_1 begins the Video Series 1-6 by timeemits. Ages_of_Adam ordering information and resources are first detailed. Time Splits are defined along with their use in resolving the first character ages of Adam and Seth. Some material is drawn from the Time_Splits_Adam_Seth video. L/S Time Split for 360-Day-Tun-Year diagram and Mayan adaptations lead to four ancient calendars.
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Slide_9picb.jpgSlide_9picb.jpg Mayan Calendar Splitting of Time
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Previous Ages_of_Adam videos explore the 19-year lunar/solar cycle with associated 209-day lunar/solar separation time. We started with the Jewish Calendar, which explains ideas about God "coming between" daylight and darkness. Judaism changes the day just after sundown. Subordinate to a single God without form or flesh, a duality exists regarding time. The nighttime lunar-side of lunar/solar calendars has a feminine nature, while the daylight solar-side aligns with masculine, sky father concepts. Visible observations compound the same belief set by lengthening lunar/solar reckoning. God is still coming between lunar and solar sides of the calendar.

A 19-year lunar/solar cycle works great for one time through. When you start the next 19-years, you need a different way to record time. Otherwise, you are right back where you started. Suppose you are riding in God's car along the 360-day road about 2500 BCE. Car looks like the Flintstones or something. The 360-day center line divides a one-way road having two lanes. One lane is marked lunar and the other lane is solar. At first, there are 209-days of distance between lunar and solar sides. Women are holding signs that say "19-years" by the lunar-side. Men in contrast stand along the solar-side of the road and they too hold signs that say "19-years." You drive this road for a long time and notice that every 19-year part looks the same.

You finally cross this 20-year line, where the road changes to 210-days of difference between lunar and solar sides. The 20-year part has two lanes with 105-days each. Men and women along the road now have signs that read "20-years." Men improve their signs by adding numbers to count 20-year cycles. As you pass their signs, you know how many 20-year lunar/solar cycles have elapsed. Signs change 20-year units to show total distance.

LSTS_Metonic_19Y.wma Voice Over  1:38
The Jewish Calendar shows the Lord's presence by changing the days just after sundown, continuous weekly Sabbaths and finally with lunar/solar separation time. The Jewish Calendar currently utilizes a 19-year Metonic cycle. Some 209-days of lunar/solar separation time divide 19-lunar-years from 19-solar-years. Greek astronomer Meton discovered 19-solar-years coincide with about 235 monthly lunations in 432 BCE. Seven extra months add with 19-lunar-years to make 6,940-days. Lunar/solar calendar systems were established long before Meton. Geographically isolated groups worshiped according to various lunar/solar calendars. Meton likely revised model lunar/solar rules that eventually became standard for all Judaism. Roman advances into Holy Lands pressured Hillel II to adopt the Metonic 19-year cycle in 359 CE. Seven intercalary months called Second Adar are added during the course of 19-years. Jewish Calendar lunar/solar separation time measures about 209-days in the green triangle Time Split. God is between lunar and solar years.

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The first Ages_of_Adam video introduces you to the timeemits.com website. Presentation slides, videos and full text for Ages_of_Adam are available. You may order Ages_of_Adam in hard print edition from Amazon or CreateSpace.com. Search for the title: Ages_of_Adam, my name Clark Nelson, timeemits or ISBN 1-59109-557-3. You may also purchase the pdf download through Paypal (Payloadz) for only $9.95. Each section of Ages_of_Adam has a specific link. Other resources include articles and links to related sites.

We identified certain facets of ancient calendars, the Bible and associated pre-historical concepts leading to recorded time. Lunar months often counted 29.5-days or 30-days. Ancient people chose to think mainly in whole number terms and rounded lunar and solar measurements accordingly. Some cultures followed lunar phases as 7-day weeks. Equation 1 results in a 354-day-lunar-year. Others maintained solar-side reckoning, which regularly accompanies star and planetary aspects. Equation 2 subtracts 354-days from 365-days to amount 11-days lunar/solar separation time every single year. Nearly all ancient people relied upon some variation of lunar/solar calendar in order to maintain agricultural seasons.

Three subjects are of special concern: God, time and calendars. Please understand that I don't want to offend anybody. We are dealing with quite possibly the oldest written evidence of lunar/solar calendar operation in Genesis, chapter 5.

Slide_5a50pcb.jpgSlide_5a50pcb.jpg  11 Days Lunar/Solar Time Split
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Traditional Jewish Calendar reckoning counts about 11-days of lunar/solar time split every year to achieve 209-days of lunar/solar separation time over a 19-year cycle. Variations were in effect during prehistoric ages of Genesis. Seven Antediluvian Patriarchs are listed in dynastic order beginning with Adam. We identified two ages for each character. Primary Ages span from the start of each character's life until he "Begat" or fathered his next listed son. Secondary Ages span remaining lifetimes. Adam lives 130-years Primary Age until the birth of Seth. Adam's Secondary Age extends another 800-years until his death. Primary and Secondary Ages record the Antediluvian pre-flood forefathers using10 and one-half days of lunar/solar separation time measured over 20-year cycles.

Genesis immortalizes the Antediluvian Patriarchs with floating king list style. The Antediluvian Calendar forms a lunar/solar calendar backbone without reference to other Before Common or Christian Era (BCE) dated events. Think of these ages as dynamic real-time transcription written by combining numbers and words, and based entirely upon actual observation. Precise meanings have been lost to the millennium since then. BCE date stamps are substitutes for authenticity.

Ancient_Calendars_Diagramb.jpg with voiceover 1:43


You have discovered a fascinating Holy Bible study via applied calendar science. Basic Jewish Calendar information has been imparted and you are thinking about time with an early mindset. God's spirit is integral to the 360-day length of year, driving time between two calendar poles: a lunar-side aligned with darkness and a solar-side aligned with daylight. In the next video, we begin building layers of time by adding more time cycles. Learn what happens to the Antediluvian Calendar in later history. Ties between unrelated groups will become apparent. New appreciation will be discovered for monotheism and mythology.

You can always Get_More_Time at timeemits.com

tags lunar, solar, split, triangle, between, difference, number, math, history, education, Bible, video, media, transcript

Clark Nelson is webmaster for http://timeemits.com/Get_More_Time.htm, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Original web content media by Clark Nelson and timeemits.com Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved. URL http://timeemits.com/Scripts/HTU_Gn_5_Ages_1_Script.html