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How to Understand Genesis 5 Ages 4 Script is from the fourth video in the series, based upon works at the timeemits.com website. Videos and scripts are available resource sets. Ages of Adam determines actual ages and numbers as written in Genesis 5. Holy of Holies is an ongoing project which includes later Antediluvian Patriarchs and related calendar articles.

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Understand Genesis 5 Ages 4 Video Series: Jesus & Solar Time Stream

Ages of Adam Timeemts.com Intro.mpg 15 secs

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Gn_5_Ages_4pic90pcb.jpgHow to Understand Genesis 5 Ages number 4 fast forwards from ancient Genesis 5 Ages of Adam and Seth to introduce spiritual concepts associated with calendar science. The emergence of three time streams: lunar, lunar/solar and solar from very early recording touches elements of Chaos that still exist. Holy Bible time becomes organized through the Creative Week, immediately followed by lengthy Genesis 5 Ages of the Patriarchs. God is spirit, and His manifest powers align with spiritual priority. Hidden influences, long thought dormant, might awaken with candid resilience after many thousands of years. This video examines the most important calendar gap in history and how the Son of God appears as intercessor for Christians.

Genuine acts of God delivered via magical channels portray miraculous results. Roman BCE events significantly impacted the solar calendar time stream. A calendar gap occurred when Rome switched from a multitude of lunar and lunar/solar calendars to establish the Julian solar calendar. Heavenly forces were activated to set the stage for Jesus Christ. Divine intervention occurs to bridge the solar calendar gap.

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Gn_5_Ages_4pic2pc85b.jpgMysterious beings connected with the underworld are often described as good or bad. Character deities can be angels that behave with benevolence or demons with malicious intent. Mythical gods and goddesses mainly derive from celestial worship. Idolatry was common for anyone living outside monotheistic Judaism. Ancient time cycles of the night sky were assigned to gods with a theme promoting abilities to influence future events. Intangibles are summoned through ritualistic behavior to invoke desires of the occultist. All the warnings in the Old Testament are appropriate when one reveals time enigmas this far back in remote history. Fear and humility help us to avoid His wrath. The Almighty is a jealous God indeed.

Exploring Adam and Seth as calendar elements draws upon early, raw time. A primordial state of matter existed before Heaven and Earth were divided. Elements of pre-Creation lingered until weeks and calendars were defined. Our study of Seth requires a certain level of personal protection. Seth's primary and secondary age analysis encompasses far more than stagnant calendar numbers. Uncontrollable spiritual inclinations can be exposed from the darker side. Invisible things can attach adversely. Light always follows, giving us reason to rejoice. A preface from some New Testament material creates the necessary God shield. We must pray to Jesus for shelter from the storm. As He is increased, I am decreased.

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wrrcr1pc150yc_1pc75b.jpgA yellow arrowhead shows the lunar/solar calendar time stream. The Jewish Calendar is the most prominent example existing today. Intercalations were added to lunar-years by various methods to synchronize, or catch-up the lunar-side with the solar-side. Chronologists call them bound solar years that are shown here with railroad ties. Ties between lunar and solar sides include 7-day-weeks and important festival periods deemed sacred. Contemporary Judaism observes according to the lunar/solar 19-year Metonic cycle which became stabilized by Hillel II in 359 CE. A curvy arrow indicates external social and political factors affecting how lunar/solar calendars were used throughout history.

Jewish Passover references from the Gospels (Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-20) had always indicated springtime and generally the lunar/solar calendar was used for dating early Christian Easter. Roman expansion began introducing the Julian solar calendar after 45 BCE and continued through the Gospel era.

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Different forms of lunar/solar calendars marked events prior to 45 BCE and the Roman Julian solar calendar switch. Settlements were employing some form of 19-year lunar/solar system with mixed opinion concerning spiritual allegiance. Some adhered to Judaism, while others shared in polytheism. Baal and Asteroth were prevalent in scripture surrounding the Babylonian Exile. Jewish Calendar months today show legacy roots with nearby culture.

The early Roman calendar went through a myriad of successive changes, from lunar to lunar/solar culminating with 10-months. Attempts were made to transform moon phase names: Kalends, Nones or Ides to the standardized pattern we know as new, first quarter and full. February was the chosen month to add intercalary days. Geo-political maneuvers further compounded any adjustments. By the reign of Julius Caesar, the Roman calendar was hopelessly confusing.

Understand_Genesis_5_Ages_4 Video & Script is from the fourth video in the series, based upon works at timeemits.com website. Videos and scripts are available resource sets. Ages_of_Adam determines Antediluvian Patriarch ages and background history as written in Genesis 5.  Video 4: Jesus & Solar Time Stream tells about BCE to AD calendar transition.
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wrrcr1bpc150_1pc62b.jpgGreco-Roman culture is replete with an entire pantheon of gods and goddesses. Most other ancient cultures employed lunar/solar calendars, and they too reflect mythology and astrology. Ancestral spirits were once thought to ascend to heaven and join the stars. Egyptian and Babylonian zodiacs are forerunners of modern star divination. Brighter stars and wandering planets were more powerful and hence collected spirits to achieve deity status.

Nomadic tribes and smaller villages living outside of Egyptian influence depended primarily upon lunar calendars. Stable populations adopted lunar/solar versions for consistency over longer periods. Months may have bore the same name for adjacent groups. Starting days or weekly patterns varied with sighting lunar crescents. Gods and goddesses were regional or localized, so orphan calendars naturally proliferated. Trade and governmental functions suffered due to dissimilar calendars. From Africa to the Mediterranean coastline, sooner or later these groups were destined to encounter the Roman Empire.

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wrrcr1cpc150_1pc60b.jpgAbout 45 BCE, Julius Caesar modified the somewhat undefined Roman lunar/solar calendar using the well established Egyptian 365-day solar calendar. Multiple lunar and lunar/solar systems needed to be replaced for Rome to effectively dominate the area. Nearly 40-years later, the Julian system was expanding throughout Holy Lands and elsewhere. First emperor and successor to Julius, Augustus Caesar chose to rename the month following July after himself.

By 6-4 BCE, relative Gregorian chronology signals the Immaculate Conception and Birth of the Savior. Luke 2 tells how new Roman taxes were imposed. Rome's new solar calendar schedule was a forced play. Time was in a state of flux and volatile during preparation for Jesus. Egyptian and Roman solar-side calendars were separated by the entrenched solar calendar disruption. Jewish Calendar lunar/solar observance then placed special emphasis upon the fledgeling Christian movement. A path of important transition is apparent in the Four Gospels. God's power was effectively purified for non-Jewish Gentiles. New Testament literature serves to append earlier Covenants and more broadly welcomes others to righteousness.

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wrrcr1pc150g_1pc63b.jpgYou may already know the story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra as a royal soap opera and effort to link two governments. No unified calendar system existed before Julius Caesar came to power. The first green arrowhead represents the Egyptian Calendar that points to the solar-side gap in the time stream. Rome began to implement the Julian solar calendar according to regional control. The Son of God was born on the other side of the 40-year solar calendar gap. A second green arrow continues the Julian solar calendar during its stabilizing process under Augustus Caesar.

The life of Jesus Christ manifests a spiritual calendar intersection. The solar-side time stream gap extends from about 45 BCE. World history reckoning changes from the steady Egyptian Calendar to the new Julian Calendar. The Jewish lunar/solar calendar railroad track solidly progresses through the solar calendar opening. A co-eternal WOW moment was happening. Jesus performed miracles by healing the lame and restoring sight to the blind.

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wrrcr1pc150star70pcb.jpgChrist grew to be Savior during a highly unstable calendar. The Holy Trinity involving God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit was manifest during the calendar transition. Gaps, seams and separations in the time stream are preconditions for supernatural intercession. A green six pointed WOW star marks solar time stream placement for Jesus. God authorizes prophecies be fulfilled through His will. Miraculous deeds were accomplished and scriptures written to record evidence. *Signs and Wonders* in the divine realm verify His presence. Ordinary physical boundaries of time and space were overcome. New Testament events and early Christianity exhibit reason for worship. Crucifixion and the Resurrection prove the Son of God.

Geography and communications hampered broad acknowledgment of the Julian calendar. The Roman Empire applied the Julian calendar within ambiguous borders. Following Paul's ministry in Acts until 70 AD, the early church developed locally. Christ's supernatural powers persist coincidental with acceptance. The Roman Empire includes other calendars aligned with Augustan reforms. By the fourth and fifth centuries AD, Alexandrian Christians, Coptic and Ethiopian churches all observed Easter. Movement toward associating Bible events with annual ceremony arose.

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Juxtaposition of two very different calendars had consequences. Presenting a universally recognized Roman solar calendar was problematic to expansion. Passover was a movable Jewish festival that Roman solar calendar adherents tried to fixate for Easter purpose. Emperor Constantine arranged for official Easter recognition while seeking personal salvation. Constantine and the First Council of Nicaea established rules for solar Easter celebration in 325 AD. Easter was defined as the first Sunday after the full moon following the northern hemisphere's spring equinox.

Roman solar calendar progression had a spillover effect. In the fourth century, Hillel II felt Roman governance pressure to establish a fixed calendar based on mathematical and astronomical calculations. Since 359 CE and still in use, the Jewish Calendar standardizes the lengths of months and Adar intercalary months over the course of a 19-year lunar/solar cycle. The lunar calendar synchronizes with solar years based upon the Greek Metonic cycle. Taxes could now be extracted ostensibly with the same frequency throughout the Roman Empire. Our yellow arrow highlights the Jewish lunar/solar calendar through several historical phases. Realize prior to the Julian solar calendar adoption, absolute chronology recorded time according to some lunar/solar calendar variation. The life of Jesus and accompanying Roman solar calendar served to append the Western, Christian era onto spiritual Judaism.

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includes two articles: Jesus and BC Calendars and Jesus and AD Calendars in a single pdf file. Roman calendar order in the late Before Christian Era (BCE) represents a fluid period of history. Julius Caesar improved a lunar calendar with random intercalations by adopting the Egyptian solar calendar. Decisions that provide Before Christ calendar dating versus our modern Anno Domini (AD or CE, Common Era) epoch shape present history.
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tags history; Bible; ancient; Antediluvian; Patriarchs; supernatural; lunar; solar; calendar; spirituality; numbers; time

Clark Nelson is webmaster for http://timeemits.com/Get_More_Time.htm, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Revised Copyright 2014
Clark Nelson and timeemits.com  All Rights Reserved.URL http://timeemits.com/Scripts/HTU_Gn_5_Ages_4_Script.html