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Research Summation Time Analogies expands perspectives concerning calendar science with fictional examples. The Jewish Calendar marks natural, celestial lunar/solar intersections using continuous time. Time Analogies include an eye of a storm, electricity flowing through a wire and comments about the Holy Spirit. A final synopsis mentions Jewish calendar spirituality in contrast with other solar calendars. The last of four Research Summation articles underscore supernatural calendar traits gained from later findings.

Research Summation Time Analogies

To explain the supernatural works of God in modern scientific terms, mention should be made of the Theory of Relativity. Einstein said it concisely - Time is Relative. Some reference establishes the framework for events. The Jewish Calendar is the reference chosen by God through which He communicates His Word to people. The Jewish Calendar of the Bible is the primary calendar for all time. All other events, great and minor, including chronology by other calendar methods, are relative to the Jewish Calendar for the most stable and consistent standard. Natural occurrences impart the Jewish Calendar through all stages and phases. Waters of heaven funnel into the mouth of the Jewish Antediluvian Calendar. Jewish antediluvian time is the foremost time stream from God above. Time flows with infinite height, width and length. There are ripples and currents of power emanating away from the Jewish Calendar. All other time streams diverge from, and then later converge back with innate events chronicled by the Jewish Calendar. Other calendar branches and methods have their own ripples and currents, and assign dates to events. The closer people and events come to the Jewish Calendar, the more likely is the potential for co-eternal involvement.

Joshua stopped the sun and moon for a whole day. The supernatural act was co-eternal with the will of God (Joshua 10:12 - 14). The ordinary reality of natural things forms the time stream banks. Supernatural, eternal waters run strongest in the center channel between lunar and solar sides of time. Holy divinity flows down the mainstream of raw, unpurified time. Calendars operate like machines, metering time regardless of blessing or curse. Calendars are the human interface with time. Sin separates us from God.

The Jewish Calendar is analogous to the eye of a hurricane storm. Calmness of time is the center of the storm. Winds of change surround the eye. God passes through the eye from the beginning. Segments of time add to construct a lengthening pipeline. Significant occurrences and important dates mark cross-sectional joints that surround the core tunnel. There are inherent gaps and seams to calendar numbers that foster discontinuity of time and enhance a supernatural presence. Acts of God are easiest and most prevalent at the edge of Jewish Calendar influence. The supernatural is possible elsewhere since reactions always depend on personal convictions. God works between the natural and supernatural.

The moment of now separates the absolute, definite past from the infinite and intangible, absolute future. Absolute past includes experiences known and accepted. Absolute future will progress to occur regardless of circumstances. Between the past and future is a certain amount of loose play in the universe. Einstein once envisioned an "indeterminate reality." Via the co-eternal Jewish Calendar, the moment of now simply regresses back to a time that all absolute futures result. My intent to perform research linking the Jewish Calendar and Mesoamerican Calendars, and the experience I encountered at the bookstore, convey three underlying principles.

Research-Cycle50pcb.jpgFinal Synopsis
•    The extremely remote bonds I was looking for caused a supernatural alteration of the future.
•    My intent to perform calendar research touched the edge of Jewish Calendar influence.
•    The mystery of the act compelled me to probe deeply into the works of God and intimately know Him.
•    The major benefit to others exerts influence upon the future positively.

Supernatural access flows optimally through time in a positive direction. Exhibited traits of the supernatural ultimately serve others before self. The Jewish Calendar is a way to accept the Holy Trinity and co-eternal supernatural phenomenon. Christ was a decided part of absolute future since the beginning. Choices and actions by others are the indeterminate realities.

Time is analogous to electricity flowing through a wire. The powers of God flow within the calendar that acts like a wire. The ultimate power of God supplies the source electricity as the Holy Spirit. Electrical energy is not physical, has no form and neither can we hold it in our hands. The wire is the conductor for the Holy Spirit. The wire is the practice of the Jewish Calendar. At any point along the wire, meaning time marked by the Jewish Calendar, the Holy Spirit is equally conveyed. The potential of the will of God does not diminish with time extension or lengthening of the Jewish Calendar. Interaction between Judaism and the rest of the world does not alter the stability of the original Jewish Calendar.

The solar calendar once used by Egypt, then Rome and presently western culture is analogous to insulation surrounding the wire. Moses exiting from Egyptian monarchy compromised the insulation and changed history. The Holy Spirit was unconfined and co-eternal acts resulted by the will of God. Whenever Judaism had conflict and interference due to other cultures and stability of the Jewish Calendar was threatened, the power of God erupted to preserve the religion and people. Roman conversion to the Egyptian solar calendar caused the insulation to break again. The will of God concentrated into the incarnate Son of God.

Calendar science links former time reckoning methods for a kind of hindsight tunnel vision. Precedents have already been set using previous calendar systems. As time continues, determinate reality records the past. Contemporary events are added daily and yearly in layers to the calendar system. Application of any calendar science to the future improves the marking of events. Enhancing the quality and quantity of life in the future are religious directives that manifest with time to come. Adjusting the calendar for maximum benefit of time measurement permits idealistic goals of civilization to pass down. Tomorrow and the date attached, is an objective of today's decisions. The 21st century brings many new ideas. Science and technology will increase with approaching years. Time and the resulting calendar will be of paramount importance. Presently unknown doorways and marvels now beyond comprehension certainly will reveal themselves in space and especially through time. From today, we speculate on tomorrow's events. Intuition will stimulate intelligence to discover secrets of the universe. Ultimate knowledge teaches the purpose of existence. The various translations and interpretations of the Bible have everlasting merit. The calendar is the key.

I came across the World_Calendar_Proposal several years ago during my quest for calendar information. I feel the World Calendar proposal has infinite advantages and can modify to augment the Holy Spirit. Many churches once supported the World Calendar idea. Religious interests upheld ideas of positive future planning, however there were differing viewpoints regarding the seven-day-week. Judaism at large proclaimed that the World Calendar would interfere with the sacred, unceasing seven-day-week so prominent in Jewish theology and calendar mechanics. The Jewish Calendar and the sacred seven-day-week are preserved notably as protected territory. A proper solar calendar serves to insulate religious calendars already observed separately. A revised solar calendar can include the World Calendar Proposal for single solar-years. The true astronomical length of the year remains consistent. The Gregorian Calendar pattern of Leap insertions every four years, and the omission of Leap Days in those centennial years not evenly divisible by 400-years is sustained. A minor adaptation by religious authorities includes the concept of cascaded time and serves the seven-day-week. Progress in the future is the concern of today. Our greatest task to planning is the proper one.

Research Summation Time Analogies expands perspectives concerning calendar science with fictional examples. The Jewish Calendar marks natural, celestial lunar/solar intersections using continuous time. Time Analogies include an eye of a storm, electricity flowing through a wire and comments about the Holy Spirit. A final synopsis mentions Jewish calendar spirituality in contrast with other solar calendars. The last of four Research Summation articles underscore supernatural calendar traits gained from later findings.

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Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible? Timeemits.com seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Ages_of_Adam ministry. Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years. Ages_of_Adam is a free read at timeemits.

tags Jewish, calendar, analogies, Holy Spirit, Christ, Gregorian, culture, lunar, solar, supernatural, electric, theory, religion, Leap, World

Clark Nelson is webmaster for http://timeemits.com/Get_More_Time.htm, author of Ages_of_Adam and sequel, Holy_of_Holies. Revised Copyright 2013
Clark Nelson and timeemits.com  All Rights Reserved. URL http://timeemits.com/tat/RS_Time_Analogies.htm